Twenty Eight

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☆ Lily ☆

Today is Christmas, I am heading downward after a minor typhoon name Riley, my roommate. She is really not worth to talk to. My first day here, and she made a really bad impression on my parents that they totally knew she would be a bad influence on me but I proved them wrong and they agreed me not changing the rooms.

I argued to her about her bad habit of not sleeping at night and being out all night and drinking, always. She argued back too.
' Riley. Let me get one thing straight.

Oh, good. One more lecture, just before time. Yes, please, Lily ma'am.

Oh, don't be upset. I just want to help you.

Ok. Sure. Please go ahead. *brushing her teeths*

So, I want you to upgrade your behaviour in three ways. That is to drink less, sleep more and study to at least get average grades.

Oh, no, uh nah bg mu mom.
(Oh, no, you are not being my mom)

Not at all. I am trying to tell you the good things for your good only.

*removes the brush* But who are you to tell me this. I don't ever bother you by these habits.

Really? When you come home late drunk, I only have to help you get out of your stinking clothes and dress you into your night wear. Who handles your drunk ass? Who stays on your lies for your friends?

Ok, ok. I understand your point *embarrassed*

But I am not telling you this because I want credit but I want you to become good person and find better boyfriend.

What is wrong with my current one?

Him? Nick? Don't get me started on him now.

Ok, I will try but no promises. (°⁠ ⁠~⁠ ⁠°⁠ )

Great. '
I smile towards her and she gets back on her routine.

I am at the café and Daniel is late today, never I have caught him late in these five months. He always has been on time, earlier but never late. I hope nothing is wrong but as I turn after getting my usual coffee, I see Daniel panting and getting inside in here.

' Hey! Here. *waves*

Yeah, coming. *smiles*

Why are you panting? Is everything alright?

Yes, everything is good. I had a rough start of the day so had to run here.

What happened?

Well, actually as today is Christmas, I made a bet in my group that today I will complete a dare if I can't make you kiss me.

W-what? Seriously? What is that bet and who are those crazy people? (◉⁠⌓⁠◉)

Well, my classmate. But I know I can make it done.

How? Because you know that is not possible. And I am not at all playing in this play.

Well, you don't technically have to kiss me on lips. I just need to capture a picture for a proof and for your convenience, you can kiss me on cheeks.

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