Get Me Out.

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I slipped my ear muffs on my ears listening to my boyfriend shout over the phone. He was shouting at his mother, though she didn't do anything. He was always like this. Connor, mistreating people. Connor, the one who doesn't have any respect for the people who love him. Connor, the abusive boyfriend who I live with. I have lived like this for maybe a bit over a year. He was sweet at first, but I guess that was only so I'd fall right into his trap.

It was this one day. Just that one day. We were out at a restaurant and he was telling me how much he adored me. My face, my eyes, my brown, shiny hair that flowed in the wind so gracefully, and of course, my personality. We had wine as we were celebrating and having fun, only the fun didn't last that long.

We were laughing about something totally stupid when I accidentally knocked my glass over. My eyes widened as it dropped to the floor. The red wine went everywhere on the floor. I knew it was super hard to clean up from a carpet. Connor had already let go of my hand... But that was only to grip it tighter. I remember how he was glaring at me with a dirty look. He wasn't happy with me at all, because as I got up in a rush, his grip still firm on my arm, he shouted at me, in front of everyone beside us in the restaurant.

I jumped and I had tried to pull my arm away from him but he only held on tighter. His face was turning red. My heartbeat was insanely fast and everyone was staring at us, concerned. Some were taking videos.

Before I could even say sorry to anyone, or tell the waiter we were done, he dragged me outside and pushed me into the car roughly before we drove back home, arguing in the car. He started treating me like I'm a no one. All because of that one night. Maybe he wouldn't be abusing me if I didn't spill that wine glass. I hate myself, with every bone in my body. What is wrong with me?

I continued to think of that night before I felt someone tug at the earmuffs on my head. Fear flushed in my face. I swallowed as I looked up in fear to see Connor. He swiped the earmuffs off my head and threw them across the room, then making a loud thud as they hit the wooden floor. And you wouldn't expect them to be that loud, either. I was holding back my tears as much as I could, because it's all I could do at this point. Hold in my tears, because otherwise he'd only get angrier.

"Why were you wearing those stupid earmuffs, you ugly bitch?" he spat.

I could start to feel my body shake beneath me as I hurdled my legs from the floor and up to my chest to form a ball shape. I didn't know what to answer him with.

"Answer me. You know what happens when you ignore me."

"I... I-I.." I stuttered. The panic was flaring up inside of me and spreading like wild fire. I hate it when he got angry. It made everything worse. I just want to get out of here.

He grabbed me by my hair and screamed in my face. I tried to push his hand away but he was too strong and tightened is grip, hurting me more. "YOU?" he shouted. "YOU WHAT? HUH?"

"Connor, please!" I cried in pain. "Let go, please.." I pleaded.

He considered for a moment. After a moment he said nothing, but actually let go for once. I could still feel his presence above me, staring me down for a second, as I held my head in pain. Finally, he walked away, spitting on the floor, later rushing up the stairs to his bedroom, slamming his door.

As soon as I heard his door slam, the tears came rushing from my eyes. It was pure pain, living in this house. Living with him. I need to get out of here somehow. And I need to do it quick, otherwise... I think I'll just die here, painfully...


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