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Not in a million years did I think I'd see Amy again, the woman at the car door. She leaned on the door since the window was open and she was giving Crystal weird glares.

I started the car in the hope that it may get her to go away but it didn't, she just stood there even as I drove back a bit.

"Found someone new already, have we Theo?" said Amy, opening a lollipop and sucking on it. "Bad choice, she's ugly." she added, looking confident and proud of herself. Crystals face sank and she swallowed, looking away. I could tell she was already starting to feel anxious.

It was my first instinct to open my car door and stand out. Amy was smiling mischievously on the other side and it was pissing me off more. I didn't even have a single thought in my brain other than 'I wanna kill you.'

I walked up to her and pushed her up against a wall covered in vines in front of the car. Crystal said something but I didn't hear her over Amy's breathing.

Amy smiled, getting the wrong idea. "Missing me, are we, lover boy?" she said, biting her lip and coming closer to me.

I didn't want to hurt her, because I'm not that type of man, but I swear I could punch her.

"Theo, stop!" shouted Crystal from in the car. But I didn't listen, I wanted to get rid of Amy. She's my ex for a reason.

I pushed her away roughly and her back hit the wall, some vines falling off and hitting the ground with a slight bump. Her mouth opened widely and she laughed.

"So we're playing rough, are we mister?" she chuckled under her breathe, still sucking on her lollipop.

I shook my head in disappointment and I held up the middle finger to her. It took her one good second to realise what I was doing. "Don't you DARE call her ugly again. Never call my girlfriend ugly."


Did I just hear that right? Did he call me his girlfriend? A bunch of thoughts raced around my head. The girl was sassing Theo about and trying to be a flirt. Jealousy flashed over my eyes as I finally stood up out of the car as well to try and stop the fight between Theo and this girl. I was guessing she was his ex...

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