Wedding Part 2

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After me and Theo got married, everyone made their way to the back of the church where the field was. Me and Theo held hands on the way whilst he also lifted up my dress so it wouldn't get dirty. Toby mentioned how he was looking for alcohol so I told him there'd be plenty. He smiled mischievously, his eyes glowing red.

Once everyone made it to the field, everyone sat in their seats with little names on the table. Everyone had a little gift from us since they decided to come, it's the least we could do.

Theo still held my hand from underneath the table. "I love you." he said randomly, resting his head on my shoulder.

I kissed his forehead and smiled. "I love you too."

We smiled and watched as Toby went back and forth grabbing alcohol. He was starting to loose his balance, and it was quite funny. He stumbled about, bumping into peoples tables the more glasses he had.

Theo glanced at me, and back at Toby. He looked concerned. I shrugged it off, giggling a little.

For a while, talked about finally getting home and feeling the feeling of being a married couple. It would feel amazing. And we were also excited because later, we would be able to cut our cake that was handmade by my grandma. Theo thought that was pretty cool.

"Hey guys." hiccuped Toby in front of our table. He made Theo jump. "This alcohol is damn good you know."

Me and Theo laughed. "I think you've had enough," mentioned Theo. "There will be none left for anyone else."

"What do I care?" he stumbled back, hitting a table. "STRIIIIIKKKKEEEEEE!"

Suddenly Tristan ran over and picked him up, worry and embarrassment in his eyes. He dragged him away and held him up. "I am terribly sorry." he said to the people on his he table that Toby fell on. The people on the table looked pretty angry. "I'll strike you in the minute, Toby!" Tristan was pointing his index finger up at Toby who towered over him.

"Oreooooo...." Toby trailed off as they both walked away, Toby tripping.

Theo rolled his eyes, squeezing my hand. "I'm so excited to spend my life with you." he kissed me on my hand.

I blushed and looked away, flustered, before he grabbed my chin, turning my head to him again and pulling me in for a kiss. He now held both of my hands under the table, running his fingers over my new wedding ring. We both looked down and I stared at his ring. It was beautiful. He was beautiful. Aaahhhhhhh!

"You're so pretty, you know that?" he commented, playing with my hair. "I seriously can't believe I'm marrying you."

"Oi, you're gonna mess up my hair." I spoke, pushing his hand away only to hold it again.

He rolled his eyes again, smiling and shaking his head. "Thank you though, don't forget you are the handsomest man I know, pretty boy." I said, kissing his cheek. He blushed and rubbed the back of his neck before he around when we both heard the cling of a glass beside us. It was Theo's best man, Bailey.

Bailey cleared his throat, digging into his pocket. His hand held onto a note filled with writing. "I just wanna say something to this amazing, beautiful, married couple." he commented, looking over at us. Theo looked somewhat surprised, but I wasn't sure why. "We are gathered here today to honor something so truly magical, so truly unique and wonderful, that it simply had to be celebrated." he coughed suddenly before he continued. "I am, of course, talking about the doughnuts over there." he pointed in the sweet treat's direction.

Everyone laughed, including me and Theo. "But seriously though, let's raise our glasses to the happy couple. I actually like both of you—do you have any idea how rare that is?" he smiled in our direction and raised his glass at us.

Everyone was smiling and laughing again, raising their glasses and cheering. This is the best day ever.



It was nearly time to cut the cake, and do our dance on the dance floor to the song we both picked, which was 'A Thousand Years' By Christiana Perri. It was our favourite love song that always reminded us of ourselves.

"Hey Crystal!" One of the bridesmaids ran over and planted a hand on her shoulder. "I just wanted to say I hope you're having an awesome day, marrying your... chosen one." she giggled. Crystal grinned, thanking her, before the bridesmaid ran away into the distance to the other bridesmaids.

Crystal turned to me. "I think it's time to cut the cake." she mentioned, scratching her neck. "I'm excited to dance with you, Theo." Her beaming smile brightens up my day.

The heartbeats in my chest got faster as I smiled at her and kissed her once again for the millionth time, hugging her.

"Time to cut the cake!" called a member of staff, making my heart beat a million times faster.

Crystal grabbed my hand and dragged me along in joy, her long dress dragging in front of me. I tried not to trip over it. The cake was amazing, as I had not seen it before. It had little figures of me and Crystal on the top and they were both made of icing. It looked delicious. The staff member here handed me a knife and Crystal grabbed onto it too, a camera looking our way. We placed the knife on the cake, smiling at each other and the camera as people around us watched and filmed.

We took one final look at each other before we finally cut the cake, making everyone cheer. We got to taste some and I was ecstatic.

Afterwards, we heard our song we picked come on, the lights dimming. Crystal looked at me, her face lighting up and her smile lighting up the entire room.

She grabbed onto my hand once again and pulled me over to the dance floor as everyone followed closely behind. We got into position, my hands on her waist and her arms around my neck. Everyone had their cameras out and the music turned up and it was all you could hear as we started to slow dance. We stared at each other, both our cheeks going red, as we kissed each other at some points while the song played.

The song brought tears to my eyes and Crystal wiped them away, smiling at me and closing her eyes as she kissed me, making my heart dance in circles.

And finally, after dancing with the woman of my dreams, the song ended, and everyone cheered, running up to us and congratulating us. I couldn't help but cry because of how happy I was, holding Crystals hand. She looked at me once more, kissing me.

This is just the beginning to our story.

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