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I smiled at myself in the mirror as I fiddled with my tie, my tongue sticking out without me realising. It just didn't look quite right and I needed to look good. I continued to fiddle with it until it finally looked decent, until Crystal came into our room. She was wearing a red dress and she was holding a small purple purse with the letter C on it. She had also added make up but not too much to cover up her features, only her acne. I had asked her a couple days ago whether she wanted to go on a date with me, and she jumped into the air saying yes, which I think is good, haha. But this is no ordinary date, I'm going to treat her to what is said to be the best food in town. The last time we went on a date we both had a great time, and I want to experience that again.

She blushed as she looked me up and down, and covered her face with the purse. "T-Theo you..." she said. "You don't have permission to be this handsome."

My eyes widened and the butterflies returned once again for another flutter. I walked over to her and I placed a single kiss on her cheek, giving her a hug. "You look beautiful, too."

We both smiled at each other and kissed. I looked up and checked the clock, it was 5:30PM. "Oh no, we're gonna be late for our reservation." I said, rushing past her and down the stairs to get my shoes on. She laughed at me and followed on.

"Our date is at 6:40, Theo." she chuckled.
"Exactly! I want to be there early."

We both laughed with each other and slipped our shoes on. Barney was sleeping in the living room cutely. Crystal gave him a kiss on the head and we both headed out the door to my car.


"Woah.. It's beautiful here Theo." said Crystal as she grabbed my hand. She rubbed her thumb over it. "Are you sure you can afford to take me here? Isn't it really expensive?" she asked, seeming a bit guilty. Her eyes were on the building in front of us.

I shook my head. "Of course my love. You deserve it." I said, squeezing her hand. She smiled. I smiled back. I loved her smile, it's as if I was in heaven and I was flying or something.

Crystal squealed happily as she rushed to get out of the car. We separated for a second only to link back together the second after. I was getting dragged and we were in the restaurant in 5 seconds. There was fancy music playing quietly and it looked really nice. I looked at her.

"Oh my god." Crystal wailed excitedly, looking amazed as she looked at the glowing fish tanks, the lights, the tables, the fancy decorations, and just generally everything. She couldn't contain her excitement and she jumped a bit. "I love you so much, Theo." Her grip on my hand tightened.

"It's nice isn't it?" I said. "Also I love you too, let's go and-" I was cut off as she grabbed onto my face and kissed me deeply. I blushed and I could hear people in front of us awing and clapping. She latched off of me and smiled happily as she grabbed back onto my hand, leading me on to the middle of the restaurant where the till was. I had never seen her this happy. It made me extremely happy too.

"Hello sir." she said.
"Hello, how may I help you ma'am?"
"We have a table reserved under the name Larsson?" she said, still smiling.

The man at the till looked down at a piece of paper, flipping the pages until it looked like he finally found what he was looking for. "Ah, of course. Please follow me."

Me and Crystal followed the man silently as we both looked around. This restaurant was really packed and it seems lucky to have got a spot here. The man ended up leading us to a table of two, red roses in the middle inside a pot of water and all the utensils already set up. The man pulled out the chairs for us and we sat down. "I will go and get a menu, remain here!" squeaked the man as he wandered off into the distance.

Crystal made a happy noise once again as she looked at me from across the table. "This place is so pretty."

"You're so pretty." I said smirking. She blushed and slapped my hand jokingly. We both laughed and continued talking about random stuff.

How one day we will get married, make a family, and live happily ever after. We are thinking that we want 2 kids, but we're also not really sure.

We were talking about what we would name them, and what we would do on days out, it just gave me butterflies thinking about it. I really want my future to be with her, forever with her.

After a while the man came back with two menu's in his hand. He handed them to us and he bowed. "Call me when you're ready to order, mi amigo."

Me and Crystal giggled at each other as he waddled off. We both looked down at our menus and there were loads of jaw dropping things that I wanted. I couldn't decide, and neither could Crystal. She said how she was stuck between a steak and a burger. I said that both sound nice and she ended up deciding on the steak.

"What are you getting?" she asked, her eyes still on the menu even though she had already decided.

"I don't actually know, maybe the burger you were stuck on, it seems nice."

She nodded before she began to eye the menu in front of her intensely, like she was worried about something. Her leg was bopping up and down. "Are you okay?" I asked, squinting.

"Are you sure you can pay for this?" she asked, the menu flopping down in front of her. "I feel bad."

I grabbed onto her hand that stretched across the table. "I promise it's okay, love, I will pay for whatever you desire." I said, smiling at her. "Don't feel bad mi amor."

I burst out laughing as soon as I said it and she couldn't contain her laughter either. She ended up snorting and we laughed even harder.

We both continued to laugh before I kiss her hand and her cheeks flared up in red. I laughed and she turned her head, flustered.

"Someone is flustered~" I teased.
"Shut up." she mumbled.

I can't help but adore her, even if she's angry, sad, tired, happy, she's cute.


A few minutes later the man came to take out orders, and we also ordered some drinks as well. Since I will be driving this evening I decided to order some alcohol, not too much, which I hardly ever drink so it's kind of like a treat to me. Crystal said I was getting a bit clumsy and nearly knocking over her glass of coke. I found this funny for some reason. I wasn't even that drunk.

After a while the man, which I really should be calling a waiter, brought out our food. We ate happily and later talked about random stuff again. Crystal mentioned how tired she was and said she wanted to go home, so we decided that we'd go home after I finish my second glass of alcohol.

I gulped the last bit down when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey.. Do I recognise you...?"

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