A New Beginning

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I held onto Theo tightly. I didn't know why he was hugging me, it was all just so awkward. I rested my head on his shoulder as he hugged me for a few seconds more, before he latched off of me, backing away slightly.

His eye looked into my one. I stared at his eyepatch, wondering why he was wearing it.

My admiring was stopped before he spoke again, finally. I liked his voice.

"What's your name?" he asked suddenly. "I just kinda... never caught your name, haha."

I blinked suddenly. "O-Oh! yeah of course." I moved my hair from my face a tucked it behind my ears, little strands falling forward again. I just ignored it. "My name is uh.."

I swallowed, scared of what could happen. But the look on his face, so eager and innocent. It was like his face alone was begging to get to know me.

"My name is Crystal." I said quietly, looking down at my stomach, where I previously felt the syringe protrude. The glass was gone now, and the wound was covered over, little spots of red showing.

His eyes were wide and he looked happy. I chuckled. "I like your name." he said innocently, smiling.

I smiled back, silence then filling back up the room. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was just so... I don't know, pretty?

I waited for a moment, debating whether I should ask him a question too to get rid of the awkward silence. To get him to stop playing with his fingers because he didn't know what to say.

I came out with the question anyway, my voice slightly louder. "Why do you wear an eyepatch?" I wondered.

He pointed to his white and slightly dirty eyepatch. "Oh, this old thing?" he laughed.

I nodded.

He sighed. "Well, I don't wear it to try and be cool or anything if that's what you think." he said jokingly. I laughed slightly before he continued. "It's because I have this thing with my eyes, where they are two different colours." he said. "It's called heterochromia."

I sat up in the hospital bed, intrigued. I have heard of this before, I have seen people on the internet with two different coloured eyes, but never actually seen anyone in real life with them.

"Really?" I said, amazed. He nodded, the two sides of his mouth lifting up, looking less awkward.

"Usually people would say it's weird so.. That's why I wear it everywhere I go." He brushed his arm lightly with his hand.

I shook my head. "I think it's really cool, I've always wanted to meet someone like you with two different coloured eyes." I smiled at him.

He was about to reply before a nurse came barging through the door. We both turned our heads to look at her. She was wearing just a normal gown thing that most doctors would wear, and she was also carrying a clip board, making little notes as the door clicked shut.

She pulled down her blue mask and placed her eyes on me. "Crystal Anderson?" she said, taking a breath.

I nodded, slouching down back into the bed slightly.

She walked over to me as if I couldn't hear her already, and said "You're free to leave the hospital, if you're feeling good enough." She said, clearing her throat afterwards.

Excitedly, I got back up in the bed again. I can finally get out of this place! One thing, though, I don't have anywhere to go. Maybe I will have to stay here and say I'm not well enough for a while until I figure out what I'll do.

Her eyes moved towards Theo who was listening intently. The nurses eyes quickly looked back at me as his chair scraped and made a noise on the floor. My cheeks turned red as she said something suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Are you two a couple?" she asked.

Theo turned to me, cheeks also red. He sat up in his chair and waved his hands at her and reassured her we weren't. She laughed a tipsy bit and apologised. Like there was a reason to, because he was so sweet. I think it would be nice to date him. Whoever made him feel uncomfortable with his eyes needs a good slap.

Theo laughed as well, and I caught him turning to me and smiling widely. As soon as I turned to him, he looked away. I snickered under my breath quietly.

The nurse sighed, striding up to the door. "Have a think for a while, figure things out, and call one of us by pressing that big red button," she pointed to a button on my right. I hadn't even noticed that. "When you're ready, of course." she added. We both nodded and she smiled before she wandered off again outside, the chatters outside making an appearance before disappearing completely again.

Me and Theo turned back to each other at the same time and our eyes met. He looked down suddenly and it looked like he had something on his mind.

"You good?" I asked.

His eyes wandered until they set on mine again.

"I-" he stuttered.

I stared at him, blinking.

"Would you like to come over..?"

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