2 Years

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And so, after about 2 years passing by, I'm still with Theo. And when I tell you he's the perfect boy, I mean that he's the perfect boy. I couldn't ask for anyone better, because he's all I need. Around a year ago, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I kind of hesitated at first, but I knew I was in good hands. He's taken good care of me until I could be my normal self again. He even let me sleep in his house when I didn't have my own home to go to. And now, I live with him anyway. And I love him for that.

I also finally reunited with my family. My mother, my father, and my brother Chris. Chris cried when he saw me , and that isn't very like him considering he is always in a mood. My mother and father were also very happy to see me. I was happy too, although I had to explain that Connor got a bit... abusive and I wasn't able to escape. They got to meet Theo, the boy who saved me. My precious boyfriend. God I love him so much, and they did too, happy that I was able to find such a nice man.

Tonight, we were at my parents house again. They had invited us over for Christmas and I couldn't say no. Theo seemed excited.

Soon enough, we got ready. I searched high and low in the shops for a cute Christmas jumper and some little reindeer antlers. I wore these along with some skinny jeans. Theo decided to wear a Christmas jumper too, and when I first saw him walk out of his bedroom, I thought I may be in heaven. He looked so cute, I could just squeeze him.

Afterwards, we made our way over to my parents house in Theo's BMW. We spoke in the car for a bit before we turned on the radio and sang some Christmas songs. My voice cracked and we both laughed for what felt like ages.

When we finally arrived, we all sat on the sofa while my mother was in the kitchen finishing up the turkey. I could smell it all the way from the sofa, and let me tell you, it smelt amazing.

Theo looked over at me, covering his eye, his eyepatch in his right hand. He looked kind of hesitant. I grabbed his hand and smiled at him, indicating to him that my family isn't like that. For a moment, he looked down. I presumed he was thinking about something before he took a deep breath, revealing his green eye and shoving his eyepatch in his pocket. My brother and my father said that it was awesome. He soon warmed up and it was obvious he already felt welcomed.

Suddenly my mother called from the kitchen. "Sit down at the table everyone! The turkey is ready."

Not even a second passed by and we all leaped up to walk to the table. When we were all in our seats my mother brought in the food and it looked and smelt amazing. Theo stared at it like his life depended on it.

"This looks amazing, Miss Anderson." said Theo.
"Thank you, Theo!" said my mother, dashing into the kitchen again to fetch the roast potatoes. It isn't a Christmas dinner without roast potatoes after all.

I grabbed his hand from underneath the table, rubbing my thumb over it, and looked at him, smiling. His cheeks turned red and he smiled too, leaning in for a quick kiss. Chris stared at us from the other side of the table, raising an eyebrow. I pulled a raspberry at him and he rolled his eyes, smiling, going back to stare at his phone. I turned my head around to look at Theo again.

We both smiled at each other before my father spoke. "So, what do you do these days, lad?" He looked at Theo who turned his head in a flash.

Theo scratched his head and cleared his throat. "Oh well.." he looked at me. "I write for a living. I just published my fourth book." he said, now smiling in my fathers direction.

He looked amazed, my father did, so he asked a bunch of questions. I also mentioned that they should read his books because his writing is amazing.

This stopped when my mother finally returned with the roast potatoes, laying them down gently on the table, taking her over gloves off. "Alright everyone, grab what you want!" she said excitedly.


"Damn, I'm stuffed," said Theo. There was still a single potato on his plate. I looked at it.

"Mind if I take that potato?" I asked, holding up my fork. He nodded silently and I quickly grabbed it, shoving it into my mouth. Theo chuckled at me.

"Did we enjoy it, gang?" asked my mother trying to be cool. We all nodded, and Chris looked eager to know whether there was any dessert.

"Well obviously, what type of Christmas would this be if we didn't have any dessert?" said my mother sarcastically, dashing into the kitchen once again.

My father decided to put Christmas music on, and we all sang together. I just hoped that my voice wouldn't crack again... which it did. Everyone laughed, and so did I, because without a doubt, it was quite funny.

After, we all sat on the sofa again, watching a Christmas movie and eating a second dish of dessert. Theo wasn't stuffed after all.

Suddenly I got up, pulling my jumper down slightly. "Just gonna pop to the bathroom." I said, wandering off into the hall and climbing up the stairs.

I cleared my throat and entered the bathroom, quickly looking at myself in the mirror, at my scar that travelled from the top of my eye to the bottom. I sighed and imagined how much more pretty I would look if Connor didn't give me this scar. How I wouldn't have to be blind in one eye if I still had my other eye.

I stood in front of the mirror for longer than I thought, tears rolling down my face. I just wish I looked prettier, more attractive. Why does Theo even like me? The scar across my eye is so ugly. I even get weird looks out in public. Why does he like me?

The train in my thoughts came to an end when I heard knocking on the bathroom door. Two tears rolled quickly down my cheek before I wiped them off just like the wipers on a car.

Before I could say anything a voice emerged from outside. "Crystal?" it was Theo.

I sniffled quietly and wiped around my nose and eyes with tissue. I then looked back in the mirror one last time before I walked back over to the door, unlocking it and then seeing him standing there looking a bit concerned.

"Is everything okay in here, you've been in here for 10 minutes." he said.

I shook my head and looked away. "Everything is fine, I'm fine." I lied, hoping he wouldn't suspect anything.


Love In The AirTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon