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I walked the streets silently, the rain pouring down and soaking my previously shiny Christmas jumper that me and Crystal matched in. I took the eyepatch from out of my pocket and put it back on, sighing, fed up with myself. There were puddles scattered about and my white trainers I decided to wear were getting dirty and soggy. The streets were dark and I just couldn't contain the pain I had been trying to push away for so long.

I stopped, dead and silent, in the middle of the sidewalk. I was next to some houses that looked similar but I didn't care at this point. The tears came flowing from my eyes. I snatched the eyepatch back from my eye, the eyepatch ripping from the tug. It's fine.. I have spare ones, but that isn't the point.

Why did I call my only hope and love in life a bitch? Why did I do that to her when she's already been through so much? Why am I such a dickhead to this world?

At this point I'm leaning against a random persons house, balling my eyes out loudly. There weren't many people, but I did get a couple eyes my way. Some random woman even asked if I was alright, but I just needed to hug her. Only she could make it better, but I've gone and screwed everything up. I just wish I didn't say that, I'm so stupid.

I watched as more people walked by, even a very tall man who I weirdly recognised. He stopped in his tracks noticing me, just staring at me with a cigarette in his mouth. He looked like the guy off the news. "What are you doing?" His voice almost startled me.

"N-Nothing I just like the rain." I stuttered, leaning against the wall trying to hide my tears.

I watched as he shrugged his shoulders and walked off obliviously. I sighed in relief, my tears now coming back.

After a moment I heard a door open and I stopped crying. The door to the house I was leaning on was now open and I could see someone's feet. Most of the lights in their house was also open as well. The rain was still pouring and it was starting to thunder so I just hoped to myself that they wouldn't hear me.

I heard them take a loud deep breath before they peeked their head around the door, their eye catching mine. It was soon when I realised it was someone I knew.

"Theo?" said Spencer, his full body not being in view. "What're you doing out here in the rain on your own?"

Suddenly he walked over quickly and grabbed me by the jumper, pulling me into his house. The light of the kitchen was illuminating at my eyes and it was too bright. All I could think about was Crystal.

Brandon was standing in the kitchen, a mug in his hand. You could see the steam from the tea floating up before he took a sip. "Sup, dude." he said, taking another gulp.

"S-Sup." I said, turning around as Spencer locked the door shut. He was in a dressing gown and he looked a bit funny, but I didn't say anything.

"What were you doing out there?" he asked me again.

"I-" I began. "I may have made a mistake.."


I sat in the living room with my family, having to deal with the aftermath of Theo leaving the house. They asked me all sorts of things. Like 'Why did he have to leave again?', 'I liked Theo. When's he coming over again, sweetie?'. But I didn't want to answer any of them, because right now, I didn't want to lay my eye on him.

I mean, he called me a bitch, what is wrong with him? After all this time, is he really turning out to be like Connor? Like, he was nice at first, but now because I pushed him out because I needed space, is he turning into him? I just... I hope not. He's the boy of my dreams and I can't live without him... but right now, he's just being sort of a dickhead... If we don't make up, I don't know what I'll do...

We've already been on so many adventures together. We've been on days out, we've kissed loads of times, we've cuddled with each other, we've slept with each other. He's just... the perfect guy I don't want to lose.

I love you, Theo.


"Soo, let's go over this again, your girlfriend was sad, she pushed you away because she needed space, and you called her a bitch?" asked Spencer. Brandon was will sipping his tea, listening in to the drama, not saying a word though.

"Yes." I agreed regretfully. I just feel so bad about all of this.

"Well... Did you say sorry?" Spencer asked.
"No, I didn't even get the chance to."
"Well that's sorted, the first thing you should do is say sorry." he protested.

I had a cup of coke in my hand, the bubbles sizzling their way about on the top. "I just.. I don't know why I said that, you know?" I said. "I really don't wanna lose her." I took a sip of my coke and set it back down on the table.

I could now hear the tv blaring in the living room, and when I looked up I realised it was Brandon watching Catch Phrase. I hadn't even seen or heard him get up.

"Yeah... that's understandable. It is hard, man, but you just gotta build up the balls and say sorry." He got up and headed for the sink. He set his cup down and washed it out with some water from the tap. He cleared his throat, grabbing his headphones from the counter. "Feel free to stay here for the night, the weather is pretty bad, but promise me you'll say sorry tomorrow and make up." he told me.

"I promise."


That night I laid in bed, I thought about Theo. I thought about how pretty he looks. Now I know you wouldn't usually call a boy pretty, but he is pretty. He is so pretty, and handsome of course as well.

I hope he got home okay, not that I'm not still mad at him. Right now he's the worst on earth, but by tomorrow I won't be able to get him off my mind.

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