A Nightmare Hidden Away

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Me and Crystal hurdled up on the sofa in our pyjamas as we watched a really weird alien film. She pulled up her sleeves to cover her hands and she leaned against me on my chest. We had a blanket over us and Crystal took half of it, leaving me a bit cold but it was okay as long as she's okay. There were a bunch of green slimes invading a town and they were eating cars as the travelled.

There was suddenly a loud bang without warning and Crystal jumped onto me, latching her arms around my neck.

I chuckled lightly as she stared at me before she did the same. We then continued watching for a while longer but we got too tired to get to the end of the film, so we randomly paused on a persons face because we wanted to save the film for tomorrow night maybe, and we were both there for about 10 minutes laughing at this persons face we had paused on accidentally.

When we settled down, we decided to head upstairs and I led her into the guest bedroom, giving her the old tv remote for the tv I bad set up if she wanted to watch anything. She nodded and we said our good nights to each other. She closed her door which made a noise, not a loud noise, but loud enough that I could hear it from the other end, where my bedroom was. I could hear the rain pouring outside and I decided to open my window and watch the rain for a while. I checked the forecast again earlier and it said it was apparently going to thunder, so I wanted to see.

I yawned, closing my window and climbing into my bed as I was getting too impatient waiting for a thunder strike. I could still hear it chucking it down even with the window closed. I pulled the duvet over me and snuggled in, yawning once more before I didn't even have to wait, I was already asleep.



I snuggled up in bed, trying to avoid leaning on my arm which made it hurt, and my eyes were drooping down slowly. I hadn't yet fallen asleep and it felt impossible to, so I continued to think of today, of Amy. She didn't seem to like me very much and it didn't look like we'd get together in the first place. She acted and looked like one of them chav people that haven't grown up since school. It's surprising that she didn't have her little friends with her, not that she has anyway. Who would wanna be friends with her?

I could hear Theo making weird sounds in the other room, like he was dreaming or tossing and turning or something. It was bearably loud. I decided to try and ignore it and finally fall asleep and take my mind off of things.


I didn't feel right. Nothing felt right. It felt like I was standing on air and my surroundings were muggy. The black clouds loomed above me and it felt like they were gonna grab me and squeeze me to death. The trees were dark and strange, like they just came out of a horror movie, their arms outstretched towards me like daggers.

I shook out of my thoughts and had only moved one foot when I heard a loud bang, along with some weird gibberish. It was coming from behind me and before I knew it I heard big loud footsteps like someone was wearing big, heavy boots.

My heart leaped in fear and I ran around a bush, now facing the way it was coming from. I managed to make out something black, waving about. There were also little tiny knives swinging back and forth.

My mouth hung agape as whatever it was stood out into the dark light, it's eyes wandering around. My breathing encountered a struggle and I tried to push myself to breath, but it wasn't worth it. I didn't have my inhaler.

My air was taken out of my lungs when whatever the thing was grabbed me by the pyjama shirt.

I coughed and spat, trying to breath, but it wasn't phased. It had eyes with black swirls in them, like you'd see on a lollipop. The little knives I saw earlier hung from earrings in its ears, and blood was dripping from its mouth. I held onto my neck as he held me up higher by my shirt, mumbling something out in a weird voice. I saw a white board behind it, writing some sentence. It was in english, but I couldn't see, I was nearly passing out.

The things eyes spun as it blurted some more stuff out of its foul more words appearing on the board behind. I looked at it with all I had but could only read out. "Crystal- ..... s mine-...... stard.

I tried to scream but nothing came out, it's grip was too firm.

I felt like I was about to die when I heard a voice.

"Im coming for you Theo, don't think I'll hold back."

And that's when I fell straight back into my bed and screamed at the top of my lungs, lunging for my inhaler.

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