Free At Last

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I sat in the darkness, the same room I had previously been in because I was too distracting, crying. Staring at my arm, i realised there was more blood gushing out more by the second. I needed some help or even just a bandage, just something, otherwise I think I'll loose too much blood. Connor left the house to go for a grocery shop and had bolted my door with every lock he has in his house, apparently.

My eyes wandered around the room, squinting, trying to find something to try and stop the rapid bleeding. I was already feeling woozy and it had only been 15 minutes since Connor had stabbed me with the scissors. I don't know how I didn't pass out because i'm terrified of blood.

I stumbled up to the door which had a load of locks, giving it a quick tug. It didn't budge, but I guess it was worth a try. I could hear thumping and banging from over the other side. I don't know what Connor was doing but he was making a lot of noise. He must have returned from the shop.

I held onto my arm with my right hand, the blood dripping through my fingers and covering the floor in red. My eyes were sore from crying and I had rubbed mascara all around my eyes and I looked like a mess. I hate this place, and I hate Connor too. I hate the way he treats me, the way he hurts me, the way he talks to me and everything about him. I hope he dies a painful death. I hope he gets what he deserves.

I suddenly realise I'm clenching my left fist, sending a shocking pain up my arm and where the stab wound is. I winced and stopped before I looked around once again. At the wooden bed, at the broken toys, at the barricaded windows... Wait, the barricaded windows. I inched myself closer to the blocked off window and examined it closely. The nails, which Connor had used to nail wooden boards to the window, were nearly all falling out. I lifted my right arm and held onto a rusty nail, twisting it with difficulty, but in the end it started to come loose. My heart jumped in both fear and happiness as I did the same with the rest of the nails, before the wooden boards fell to the floor, making a loud thump, and for the first time in forever, I could finally see the outside. It was dark at the moment on the streets. The street lights were shining brightly and I winced at them.

My tear ducts had automatically sent tears streaming out of them and there was a lump in my throat. I quickly turned back when I heard there was no thumping outside anymore. It was really silent, as if he'd heard me. Wait, what if he has?

My thumping heart jumped up to my throat as I grabbed the window handle, pulling it to the side intensely as I listened to the locks being opened behind me. The handle was stuck and the window wasn't opening.

"Please, please... please." I repeated to the window as if it could hear me. The window was jammed, the handle rusty, and I was losing my hope.

"CRYSTAL." Connors voice echoed on the other side of the door. He was rushing to get through the locks. I tried to ignore him and continued pulling with everything I had, my arm killing me, my eyes starting to shut on me because of the amount of blood I had already lost.

My pulling has just weakened before I fell back in fright at the window latch flying off and into my face. I looked at the latch and back up to the window that still wasn't open.

I started crying harder as I heard Connor scream he was nearly there. "CRYSTAL!" he shouted, the door moving as he continued to do the locks.

I picked myself up and tried to push the window and it wasn't doing anything.

"OPEN YOU STUPID WINDOW!" I cried with fear.

And just as I was gonna give up, I gave it one last try. I lifted up my right fist and clenched it before I punched the glass continuously, my knuckles turning red. Finally, the glass shattered and fell out the other side of the window. I pulled out some extra glass so I didn't get stabbed and I was sliding through the window when I heard the door open behind me. I lunged but I felt something grab my foot.

I screamed at the small shards of glass that remained piercing my stomach as he tried to drag me back.


I pulled with everything I had and my sock slipped from my foot as Connor fell back, me slipping out the window and falling quite a distance to the floor. I winced as I hit the floor and hurt my foot. I looked back up at the window before I saw Connor trying to climb through it. I picked myself up, holding my arm, and limped in the opposite direction, listening to the screams of Connor as he got stuck in the window.

I kept running, crying again as I finally realised,

I am finally free from that hellhole..

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