Love At First Sight

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Crystals POV:

I opened my eyes to see the lights staring back, blinding me. I blinked fast as I turned away quickly and rubbed my eyes after. I felt comfy, weirdly. I held my head before I felt something tug on my arm slightly. I squirmed at the thought of Connor and screamed loudly, the walls echoing it. My heart was racing and broken. My arm had a pounding sensation and was hurting so I couldn't move it.

I shouted before I felt a cold hand touch me, it rubbed my wrist in a reassuring way. I jerked my hand away to look who it was and I saw this man I didn't yet know. He was smiling at me, at my ruined face, looking down at my wounds and scars, bruises. He then looked down for a second and he had a guilty look on his face as he returned his hand to himself. I lifted my eyebrows as I examined his features. He has light, short, brown hair, and a blue eye (I couldn't see his other one because it was covered by an eyepatch). He wore a red hoodie with a black jacket over the top, a black beanie on his head. I saw he was staring at me when I realised I was zoned out.

"Hey.." he said quietly.

I stayed silent, trying to think of how I got here, and why he was sitting beside me, as I didn't know him, though he was quite handsome, must I say. I tried to move my arm a bit but I couldn't and I winced a bit. I looked at it and it was covered in bandages, a bit of red seeping through.

The man looked at me worriedly. "Hey, be careful, you have severe injuries.."

I still looked at him, wondering who the heck we was and why he was in a hospital with me...

"How are you feeling?" he asked, fiddling with his hands. I stayed silent for a moment, my eyes wandering the room, before I cleared my throat and shrugged my shoulders. He nodded.

It was silent again for another minute before I spoke up to ask him a question. "W-Who are you?" I asked suspiciously, slightly scared. I was suddenly thinking about how he might be one of a Connors friends, trying to befriend me and lead me back to him.

I shifted a couple inches away from him as he opened his mouth, about to speak. I watched him closely.

"Uh... Well," he started, seeming sad I had moved away from him. His leg was bopping up and down. "My name is Theodore, but you can just call me Theo for short."

I looked at him and smiled slightly. I liked that name, it was cute. He was cute. No, what am I saying. He's probably just another dickhead who thinks he can walk all over me.

"May I ask you a question?" he asked.

I looked at him, suddenly smiling, forgetting what I had just said to myself because I had something coming on, something I always did, that it was technically my thing because I've done it so many times. "You just did." I said, chuckling.

He frowned and chuckled before he asked again. "May I ask you two questions?"
"You already have." I said, quite proud of myself.

We laughed together again when he stopped and looked at me, and I looked at him.

"You can ask a question, go ahead." I said, trying to distract myself from how hot he was.

He shook his head, seeming to snap out of his staring, as he started fiddling with his hands again. He looked tired. I wonder how long he had been waiting beside me.

His hand slid its way over to my injured arm. He pointed to the wound Connor caused, by stabbing me with the scissors.

I pulled my arm away from his touch and looked away as he asked the exact question I didn't want him to ask. "How did you get all of these..." he paused, looking at all my scars and wounds. "Horrible wounds?"

I looked at my scars, a tear falling from my eye, wetting the white sheets a little. I turned away in silence, him staring at me waiting for an answer. I wiped my eye and held onto my injured arm. at the bandage I had probably been given by doctors.

Theo tapped on my shoulder, making me jump a little, so he backed away a bit. "I'm sorry." he mumbled. "Are you okay?" he looked guilty, and had a sad expression on his face.

I really didn't know whether to tell him, as I didn't really trust him that much yet. For all I know, he could be one of Connors friends.

Suddenly, saving my life, a doctor walked in and looked at Theo. She was ushering him outside and he was shaking his head. The doctor walked over to him and had to walk him out, explaining why he can't be in there with me. The look on his face was pure worry, and I wondered for a slight second if someone might actually care for once. But why would anyone care for me. I'm just an ugly cow, that's worthless and can't do anything.

The door shut as 3 more doctors entered the room. They were all wearing masks and silly white hat things that made them look weird. One of them were holding a syringe; I was now panicking. I felt my hospital gown being lifted up and I screamed as the syringe inserted into the side of my stomach where the glass pierced my skin. My eyes were beginning to get heavy and all of a sudden I just wanted to sleep. My hearing quickly turned selective, before I finally blacked out at the hands of the doctors. Maybe this wasn't saving my life, after all.

Theo's POV:

I was talking with the doctors who had to take me out of the room. They were telling me how she needed to have surgery, but I didn't care, I wanted to be there with her.

I tried to open the door and head towards her but the doctors were holding me away, trying to get me to sit down, closing the door back, as the doctors inside turned around and stared at me from the inside.

"Sir, she is having an operation!" a male doctor tried to get through to me. "Please just be patient and wait outside for her here." a female doctor added, pointing to the chair practically right outside of the room the girl was in.

At last, I finally gave in, the doctors making a relieved sound and sighing. I knew they couldn't have me in there, so why was I even trying? I sat, waiting, and waiting, worried. I had never been this worried in my life. Especially for this person I had only just met. I didn't even know her name, either, all I knew was that she was really pretty and she had a lot of scars. She was also pretty jumpy, too.



I had just awoken from a nap, in the hospital, outside this random girls hospital room. My neck was hurting because I had no support and my back was also aching. I cracked my neck and my back and I felt much better, before I stretched and looked around to see no doctors. There was also no noise in her room, so I decided to walk in and see her awake.

She stared back at me, her eye glowing. Only I realised something that I didn't realise the other day, somehow. I walked a little bit closer and dragged a chair closer, looking at her eye. She looked at me with a concerned expression before she realised what I was staring at. I pointed to her eye in the silence and she nodded, holding her bandaged arm within her grasp. She had one blue eye and one eye with a scar across it. That eye was white. I don't know whether I was thinking the right thing... But I think she may have been in a toxic relationship...

I felt sorry for her. I stood up, lifting up my arms, about to give her a hug. She flinched and turned her head away from me, her eyes closed. My eyes widened, realising why. My bottom lip quivered and I went in quickly for the hug, and she was oblivious, her arms not knowing what to do with themselves, just hanging up in the air.

"T-Theo?" she stuttered. I ignored her and held on tightly. Tears began to gather in my eyes before I whispered into her ear.

"I'm sorry."

I'm sorry you had to go through that.

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