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I shook Theo awake. It was already 11AM and he was still asleep on the sofa. His hair was messy and it looked adorable, so I took a picture of him right before he awoke. I know last night was a long night but still, I had a fun idea for us both.

Because before we went on the date, little does he know I bought some ingredients to bake some cookies, and Theo loves cookies. He always talks about how his grandma used to make them for him when he was younger. It was cute, so I decided to make him happy and bake with him. I had already set all of the ingredients up on the counter for when I bring him into the kitchen and tell him what's happening. This is gonna be so fun.

His eyes opened and I stopped shaking him. He was rubbing his eyes before he leaned over the table to reach for his phone which he forgot to put on charge last night.

"Oh." he said, yawning and stretching. "It's 11AM."

I shook my head, smirking. "Lazy." I commented. He stared at me for a second, maybe trying to process what is happening. He rubbed his eyes once more before he sat up and yawned again.

He looked at me, interested, when I said "I have a surprise for you love."

I shot off into the kitchen suddenly and I grabbed the two new aprons I bought from Tesco the other day. I slipped mine on and rushed back into the living room and to the sofa where he lay. I handed him the apron and told him to put it on. He looked at me, confused, and chuckled slightly. "What are these for?"

I giggled and grabbed onto his hand, staring into his eyes for a moment. "Just put it on, it's gonna be fun." I wailed, dragging him into the kitchen as he struggled to get it over his head. He was just tying it around his waist when he noticed what was laid out on the counters. He gasped. "Do you know what we're doing?" I asked, unable to contain my smile.

His hands came back from around his back when he finished tying it. It was in a little now shape. "Are we baking cookies?" he questioned.

I nodded and a big wide smile appeared on his face. Butterflies fluttered around as I watched him laugh happily. I loved it when he was happy.

He looked around the kitchen once more. "You did this for me?"
"Yes I did." I answered, making a heart shape with my hands. "You do everything for me so I thought I should give you something in return."

He walked over and hugged me. "Can we start now?" he quizzed.

I nodded. He walked over to the counter and grabbed the chocolate chips set aside.


"Chocolate chip?!" I called. She laughed as I gasped melodramatically. "I love chocolate chip."

She grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and gathered all the ingredients in a little circle. She bowed down to the oven and set it to 180C, the fan 1600 and the gas 4 and then prepared some brown sheets where the cookies would lay later. "That's why I bought them, my love." she replied softly as she handed me the bowl. "Although you better do most of this because I am not strong enough to mix stuff together."

I took the bowl off her and she slipped some butter and sugar in, later handinf me a wooden spoon. "Ah, yeah. I've gotta mix this until it's light and fluffy, that's what my grandma always told me." I said, mixing them together.

Crystal stood there, kneeling down and weighting more stuff out, like the flour, chocolate chips, and salt. I stared back down at the bowl. "This butter is a bit ha-" I was cut off when she blew flour into my face and giggled loudly, snorting at times. I jokingly made and angry face, setting the bowl aside for a second and grabbing a pinch of flour out of the weighting device, blowing it into her face.

"Hey!" she chuckled, wiping her face with the towel. "Do that mixing mister." She grabbed the flour bag again and poured some more in the weighing thingy I didn't know what to call since I haven't baked in a while.


My arm was killing me by the time I stopped mixing, and Crystal added everything she was previously weighing out. I rolled my eyes, smiling. "Maybe you should mix this time while I weigh stuff out." I tried to get her to change her mind about things. "It's fun."

She shook her head. "Nahhhhh... I'm good thanks." she replied as she laughed.

I groaned and picked back up the bowl along with the wooden spoon. I started to mix again but my arm was aching. This is gonna take a while.

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