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Stone and Jaguar: 18

In the mid of the dusky time, while the owls were softly cooing at the night figures, Ava was still awake as a night owl, strolling inside the King's chamber, her hands warmly hugging herself with a thin blanket wrapped around her shoulders.

She was in deep thought, gently wiping away the tears when the door to the balcony of the chamber slowly flew open by the force of nature that drifted her attention to the opened balcony.

" It's a full moon day, " she mumbled ever so softly, taking her steps towards the balcony, her long dress following her behind by gracing on the ground.

The cold breeze that immediately engulfed her as an old best friend resulted in an audible sigh from the mortal Queen, her lips gently drawing up into a smile remembering the old days when she and her brother, Xavier were still young children with their grandparents in their small house's garden, talking about random things on a random night while watching the bright moon.

All she could remember from her childhood was living with her grandparents. She couldn't remember her mother's face or her father's, after the accident, though Xavier and her grandparents told her she was a carbon copy of her mother and Xavier had their father's eyes and hair.

Cylov Winslow, their father and Helena Winslow, their mother fell in love when they were in high school and after some teen love feelings, they found themselves as teen parents when they were barely 19 and 20 years old. Helena's parents, Grey Jonathan and Margaret Jonathan were so raged and wanted nothing but their daughter for themselves as they misjudged that Cylov was just trying to use Helena as it was a period when there was the term _playboys_ was so popular in town.

Don't blame the elders. They knew nothing about the young boyfriend of their daughter, who only introduced himself to his girlfriend's parents when he found that Helena was pregnant with his child. Even the name Cylov sounded made up to the old-cultured parents which was why they, firmly, tried all their best to keep the 20-year-old away from his girlfriend.

And about Cylov, he was pretty scared to face his girlfriend's scary father as Grey Jonathan seemed like a bull on fire waiting to pounce upon the boy at any time.

But Ava's mother, Helena was different and she dared to move out of her parent's house to her boyfriend's after a long huge argument and fight with her parents because she thought her child must have their father by their side and was determined to make her parents believe her boyfriend or just move out.

As they were already pretty much earning from simple jobs, they found a shady apartment and worked their lives off for their future child and got married when Helena was fully expecting and barely after the wedding, they were blessed to see their son, Xavier Winslow to patch his feet on the world.

Xavier was a big pile of happiness and a motivation for the young couple to lead their life from a shady apartment to a small house after a year or two. Soon after six years into their marriage, Helena confessed to her husband that they were expecting again.

Still then, the Jonathan couple were pretty mad at the young couple and didn't make any tries to connect with their daughter. So, Cylov, as the lovely husband, who couldn't see his lovable wife sulking at night because of her ignorable parents, came up with an idea to get both of their children to Helena's parents' house immediately after the birth of the second one.

They did it after Helena gave birth to their daughter, Ava Winslow.

Though the old couple was still mad, they didn't defy their love for their only grandchildren and showered them with everything they had. Cylov mostly maintained a distance from his in-laws for a long time but never missed a single weekend to go fetch his children from their house because he missed them a lot and loved them a lot.

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