CHAPTER 9 : My boss is being weird this time

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My Boss is being
Weird this time

At Yeon's Company:

"Ooh our boss is in here now hurry up and fix your chair in there, Good Morning Mr. Yeon The one worker said.

"Mmh wait, wait, Cherry and boss Yeon, there is something that we don't know is going on here mmh
why do they always come to the company at the same time? Felix said. "Um Yeah i think that one too mmh maybe they are in a relationship do they? Lei said.

"What are you saying there? Go back to work instead of saying nonsense. Yeon said in cold tone.

"Oh good morning Mr. Yeon, um sorry Boss! Yeah we will. Lei said as they get back to their sits and they continue their work.

While in the other building:

"Oh Good Morning Mr. Beckham and Ms. Charmaine. The other worker said while bowing his head as a respect to their boss.

"G--good morning Mr. Beckham, oh Good morning too and you Ms. Beautiful hehe Hi there. John said while bowing his head too.

"There's no good in the morning i'm being embarassed by now. Mr. Beckham said as he goes to his office in a disgusted face.

"H-hi good morning hehe oh, um And Charmaine follows him. And when they came in to their office an akward moment hits. "Ehem uh mmh. Charmaine murmur. Then there's a knock in the door. And Charmaine came towards the door to open it. "Oh hey there ehem if you have nothing to do um can we just hang in there in a second. John said while peeking his head. "Oh uh yeah okay sure, uh Mr. Beckham i'll go there in a second. Charmaine said. "Oh come on let's go. John said as he grab her arms while going out. "H-hey um tss... why would i stop her tsk i don't care about them go out if you want i don't care. He said while sitting in there and he just read his book in there.

At the outside:

"Um hey i have something to show you look at my hand there's nothing in here right i'll show you some magic. John said. "Oh okay show me that. Charmaine said. "Okay um... oh there is something on your ear let me get it for you. John said as he grab something on her back and pull it out of her ear. "Ooh Chocolate? Wow where did it come from? Charmaine said in amazed. "It's magic here this is for you. John said. "Really? Aww sweet thank you. Charmaine said.
"It's nothing hehe, um ehem can i ask you something? John ask. "Ah yeah sure what is it? Charmaine said in a confused face.

"Ah can we be friends? John ask. "Um yeah of course why not it's alright. Charmaine said. "Oh uh really well then nice to meet you. John said as he held his hand to her and give her a shake hand. "Yeah hehe nice to meet you too thanks for this. Charmaine said. "I guess i need to go back there now um see you later then. John said. "A-ah yeah see you goodluck to your work. Charmaine said.
"You too goodluck bye bye. John said as he wave his hand.

And he goes back to his chair and continue to work and then Charmaine was back to her office with Mr. Beckham.

The office room:

"Why did you took so long to get back? Is it breaktime already? Mr. Beckham ask in a cold tone. "Uh no! I just meet with John in there it's a short time i guess not that long. Charmaine said. "Oh really huh you don't know that you have alot of job to do right now don't you remember? Mr. Beckham ask. "I know right tsk.. i guess i have to do that right now. Charmaine said while bowing her head and she sits to her chair and decided to open the chocolate bag that john gave to her and she eat it while working in there.

"Yeah you better do that right now, ahh what are you eating? Mr. Beckham ask. "A-ah chocolate don't you see it? Charmaine said.

And Beckham came towards to her table and grab some a bar of chocolate and eat it.

"Tss... mmh chocolate who gave that to you? Mr. Beckham ask. "John. Charmaine said. "Oh hell what? that crazy g-guy? Aah uh you better not eat that one that is not good for your health is not healthy. Mr. Beckham said. As he takes away her chocolate bag.

"Hey that's mine gave it back to me that's not yours you... give it to me hey. Charmaine said as she tries to reach him because he was raising his arms up while holding the bag of chocolates. "No! This is not healthy don't eat this. He said while still holding the bag.

And then while she is still trying to reach it they accidentally fall in to the ground and she gets the top of him and then they are starring at each other's eyes and the silent and an akward moment hits with them both while lying down on the ground but someone is coming in there at the office.

"Um Mr. Beckham??.... Oh what the--- uh sorry i better get going now. The worker said.

"A-ah wait it's not what you think we just... argh this is your fault give that back to me please this is not yours. Charmaine said.

"Aaah um.. Mr. Beckham sorry for that but um i think you have a meeting right now. The worker said. And then he leaves.

"Yeah, yeah, i better get going now. Mr. Beckham said and he prepared as he puts his suit coat.

And after that he came outside with her and he came to the meeting room because the meeting was about to start and then Charmaine was just on the outside of the meeting room waiting in there while standing outside until her boss gets finished in there.

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