CHAPTER 15 : Mistaken

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"Mmh where did he goes? Is he now sleeping? Umm but he's not in his room where did he go? Yeon said. And then he just get in his room to go get to sleep.

On the outside, Charmaine was sitting at the pool staring at the stars and the moon.

"Oh peace and quiet that's better, it's quite good, uh wait where's my... picture that Sis gave me oh no, no did i drop it somewhere? Charmaine said. "Are you talking about this pic? Beckham speaks while holding the picture. "Oh yea-- wait where did you get this? Argh i thought i was in peace tss.. it's him again, gave me that photo that's mines give it back please, please. Charmaine said.

"Aha! Nah~ but before that you will promise me to fix my car and you will  promise that after work you will sleep early and not going anywhere after work. Beckham said. "What?? give me that, you can't do that who are you? Are you my dad or mom? To tell me that? you have alot of money to fix that right? so go fix your car instead of me. Charmaine said.

"Oh haha, no way you will get fired instead. Beckham said.

"W-what??? No you can't do that, are you crazy look that moment was in a long time ago and you didn't forgot about that yet? Charmaine said. "Oh yeah that's my favorite car so? Go fix it mmh. Beckham said. "So what? I don't care just give it back to me now argh give it back. Charmaine said while trying it to get the picture on Beckham's hands.

But then suddenly Beckham accidently pushed her to the wall hard so she moaned loudly cause of the pain.

"Aaa-aaah!! Aww it's-- aah it's hurt. Charmaine said. "Oh i'm so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you that much. Beckham said.

While Yeon is awake and can't sleep so he gets up and he was about to make a coffee.
"Coffee i need some, should make that instead argh why did i just woke up this early? And can't sleep well It's still 3:30pm at night okay i'll just go watch something. Yeon said while making a coffee on the dining table.

"Mmh what is that noise come from? He said as he check outside when he saw both of them outside. "What the-- hell did i just heard and what the hell are they doing right now? Oh, oh my ghod did he just said "Sorry didn't mean to hurt... what in the world is happening right now, i should pray for what i saw just by now if i'm not mistaken. Yeon said.

"Seriously making a love at 3pm at night? Not expecting that he's wild tsss.... i should continue to sleep forget about the coffee and get back to sleep forgot what i saw today hope when i get up in the morning hoping that this was just a dream. Yeon said and he gets back to his room.

At the outside;
"I'm okay, i'll just get back to my room now. Charmaine said as she walks away on him, on her way to her room to get in sleep. "Hey you... mmh.. you forgot about-- ugh nevermind. Beckham said.

-In the next morning-

"Wake up you guys, the breakfast is ready. Mrs. Yuri said. "Wow Mrs. Yuri our breakfast looks special today huh. Cherry said. "Of course i prepared it for you guys. Mrs. Yuri said. "Ooh you're so sweet honey. Mr. Kevin said. "Aww.. okay have a sit, oh good morning Mr. Mitch and Mrs. Jenny have a sit and let's eat now come on where is Charmaine and Beckham they are still sleeping? Aw ghod that two is always late in our breakfast time. Mrs. Yuri said. "Ehem... ehem i'm hungry now let's go eat Mom um i think they are still sleeping yes you're right mmh maybe they are. Yeon said. "Ooh okay. Mrs. Yuri said.

As they eat a breakfast together without Charmaine and Beckham in the table.

-After a few hours later-

"Mom, Dad, Mrs. Yuri and Mr. Kevin I'm going now head to work. Cherry said. "Oh okay goodluck sweetie. Mrs. Jenny said. "Okay goodluck, how about your sister? Is she awake now? Mr. Mitch said. "Yeah why those two is still sleeping they will be late at work. Mrs. Yuri said. "Maybe because they are late to sleep at night so it might be. Yeon said. "I should get going to wake Beckham now. Mrs. Yuri said.

On Beckham's room;

"Hey... Son Wake up you're going to be late now. Mrs. Yuri said while waking Beckham up. "W-what? What time is it? Did i set the alarm? Oh ghod no, it's already 9:58 i'm literally late bye mom oh shocks i need to take a bath now. Beckham said in hurry.

"Oh hey there Sweetie, going to take a bath now? Mrs. Yuri said.
"Hey Mrs. Yuri good morning.. what? Um mmh what time is it? Charmaine asked. "It's 9:59 you guys are late i guess. Mrs. Yuri said. "What? Oh yes we are, i'm going to take a bath right now. Charmaine said in a hurry.

"Oh ghod these two, mmh why are they both late? Mmh. Mrs. Yuri said in a confused face. "Hey there my beautiful wife what are you doing? Mr. Kevin ask. "Hello there oh my kev's. Nothing i just wake Beckham up cause they are already late at work. Mrs. Yuri said. "What who's late? Beckham and? Mr. Kevin asked. "Oh ghod of course Charmaine, they are workmates right? Mrs. Yuri said. "Ooh yeah, i forgot i'm so sorry, mmh if they are both late what is the reason why? This is the first time or a second time that they are late, i don't know but they came at work early as always right? Mr. Kevin said. "Yes i know they are uhhh... Mrs. Yuri said.

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