CHAPTER 36 : Run

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"B-but um... fine just don't pull me that hard my arms hurts okay. Charmaine said. "Alright geez. Wesly said. "You know that is freaking nice haha, the way he just wow amazing. Charmaine said. "Hey i know that's hurt but we are right here beside you no matter what okay just don't mind them right now. Wesly said. "Aww that's Sweet wait are you sick right now cuz you're weird this time. Charmaine said. "Hey i'm serious oh ghod hell. Wesly said.

"Just kidding haha but thanks. Charmaine said. while they are walking Beckham and Thalia is out of the store when they saw them walking there.

"Wait is that Wesly and Charmaine? Beckham said. But suddenly while Charmaine and Wesly are walking a guy with a cap took Charmaine's bag in her hand and runaway from her.

"H-hey that's my bag give it back to me you bastard. Charmaine shout to the guys and Beckham saw it and runs as he follows the guy who stole Charmaine's bag.
"Hey honey come back argh where are you going. Thalia shouts. "What the heck? Is he doing there? Wesly ask. "I don't know come on let's follow them. Charmaine said and then they both run while following them.

"Oh my ghod this is.. argh let me just take off my heels first ok. Charmaine said as she takes her heels off and then she continues to run fast. "Come on here they are. Wesly said. And they stop for a while when they saw Beckham and the Man who stole the bag are fighting each other. "Hey stop that. Charmaine said.

And the Man punch Beckham's face so Beckham punch him and kick him hard as he lay on the ground in pain and now he finally get the Bag to the man who stole it and he bring it back to her.

"Here you go! Beckham said. "T-thanks you don't have to do that i can catch him by the way. Charmaine said in a cold tone.
"Um i think i need to go right now see you i'll go to work um. Wesly said and then he leaves them.
"H-hey Wes! Charmaine said.

Then Beckham grabs his hand and they runaway fast there while  Beckham was holding Charmaine's hand.

"O-oh hey where are we going? Charmaine ask. And they still running fast as they stops in a beautiful scenery with a nice view in it and they look at it.
"W-wow this is Beautiful woah look at there. Charmaine said while smiling looking at the view.

 Charmaine said while smiling looking at the view

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"Yea i know! He said and he stand beside her. "Hey um why did you leave her? Charmaine ask. "Um what? Who? Beckham ask. "Oh ghod nvm. Charmaine said as she gets back looking at the view.

"And how about you? What are you doing there? And look at you you look trash what happend to your dress? Beckham ask. "Oh what did you say? Argh this is the guy fault when he stole my bag this happens argh it's dirty oh hey we have a work now let's go back before i punch your ass face right now. Charmaine said as she was about to leave when he grabs her arms. "Wait are you leaving and go to my company like that? And mmh i don't have an energy to go there now i don't feel going on work right now. Beckham said.

"What? My boss is saying that he don't want to go to work right now wait are you sick too? Is this real? Charmaine said and she touches Mr. Beckham's forehead.
"Argh No! That's not what i mean Thalia's Dad sent something to guide there now so now i'm here that's the reason why, and her dad wants me to date her um it's a long story so. Beckham said as he gets away her hand from his forehead. "S-so um are you saying that this was just his Dad says? Charmaine said. "Yea i only did this on purpose so *sigh* He said.

An akward moments hits them both when Charmaine's tummy was signaling her to eat.

"W-what is that? Beckham ask. "Uh what? N-nothing haha don't mind it. Charmaine said. "Wait is in here. Beckham said as he gets closer to her. "Um *gulps* hihi. Charmaine said. "Um Are you hungry? Beckham said. "Kinda. Charmaine said as she gets back looking at the beautiful scenery there when she didn't notice that Beckham was now gone.

So she gets confused and she looks around but nobody was in there now so she finds him she look everywhere.

"Beckham? Where are you? Oh no i didn't know where am i now *cries* oh no, no, where did he go? Hey. Charmaine said so she gets back in there but he was not in there so she just stand there crying like an idiot. "Yea that's right leaving me in here alone that's what you want right? I'm here with a dirty clothes and looks like a dumb now, don't know what going to do *cries* Charmaine said and she just
cried in there loud when...

"You thought i'm loss? He said and he gives his handkerchief and the food he bought for her. "W-what? Charmaine said then her tears stops. "Here eat this instead. Beckham said. "H-huh? Um why did you came back? I-- i thought you leave. Charmaine said. "Idiot! You look like a child who loss her mother stop crying in there and eat that. Beckham said in a cold tone. "Shut the hell up now you-- i didn't now where am i now and you just leave me like that argh. Charmaine said.

"I just buy you some food so? Beckham said. "Thanks anyway, how about you? Why don't you buy something to eat for yourself. Charmaine ask. "I just don't have a feel of eating right now, ugh just eat now and shut your mouth ok. Beckham said. "Fine geez! I'm just asking you. Charmaine said as she eats her burger there while looking at the beautiful view.

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