Entry No. 23

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We had made our way through the old remnants of the the town. I showed Travis places that held so many memories, some bad and some good. As I explained some of the memories I could often see this sweet smile on Travis's face. It made me feel safe. However next up was a more painful place for me, the Irene statue. I slowly walked up the hill to find it there, still in perfect condition. 

"And here is our statue to Lady Irene," I said.

Instinctively I hid myself behind crossed arms. Even though Aphmau and I had made up, it still made me fearful and uncomfortable.

"How about we see the next stop then?" Travis asked.

I nodded and we slowly made our way through the town, ending off things within the wall at Kiki's old barn. There I found an upset Dmitri. I rushed over to him.

"What do you want?" he asked sourly.

Travis walked over to Dmitri.

"Been a while there Dmitri," Travis said.

I had forgotten they had met before all of this. Back when I first rescued Travus.

"I don't want to talk to anyone," Dmitri said.

"Not even your dad?" Travis asked.

"I DON'T HAVE A DAD," Dmitri proclaimed, he was obviously upset about it.

Dante had finally told him.

"Shut up with that will you?" Travis said.

We all fell quiet.

"You have a father and he wants to be in your life. Appreciate that," Travis explained.

"Why does he only want to be in my life now... Did he leave because I was a bad kid?" Dmitri questioned.

"No, he probably didn't know he had you. Trust me... He's better than my dad. Mine was never there and the first time I met him he tried to kill me... So, there are worse situations out there," Travis explained. "I can't change your mind right now kid, but I want you to know... If someone cares about you you should give them a chance, ecspecially if they've never had one before, even if they turn out to be evil... Heh. It's better to love and receive love than to shut off completely. You'll just be miserable forever."

Dmitri's head hung low. I felt so bad for the kid. I cared for Dmitri as if he was my own. I may have only been like an aunt to him, but I spent a lot of time with him as he grew up. I could even remember when Nicole was sad one year and we decided to have a family dinner, just us and our boys.

"I see you need some time. Just... Think about what I said. You'll be a better man than me if you lighten up. Trust me," Travis said.

Travis helped me up and started to walk us away.

"There's nothing more we can do for him, just give him some time alone," Travis said.

I wanted to stay with him, but Travis was right. Whenever I was in the thick of it, I wanted time alone to think. So we walked off. Travis was an amazing guy, and after today I was seeing that he wasn't just around for my looks or to get a way off the island. He was here because of me, and everything that entailed.

"What's that smile on your face for?" Travis asked.

The more I thought though, the harder it was. He was going to make my descion that much harder.

"And now it's gone? That wasn't a challenge you know," he joked.

I laughed. It was nice to laugh.

"Don't you play with me now," he said.

The smile stayed, plastered onto my face. The next morning I found myself checking up on everyone before Aphmau and I were to go on a somewhat secret mission to Brightport. I saw Donna doing her laundry and she immediately pulled me over. 

"Y/N! Where do you keep finding these hot men!?" Donna questioned.

"What do you maen Donna?"

"Are you kidding me!? Look at the one with white hair you introduced me to yesterday, then Aaron... Then Laurance! Oh my heavens if I were aboard your ships I'd be going crazy!" Donna chirped.

"Donna..?" I questioned, both embarrassed and worried by how man-crazy she was.

We could not have another kid scandal coming up anytime soon.

"Oh, come on... Take a joke and lighten up. Besides, I know you don't have time to think about that kind of thing. Running around to villages and forming alliances doesn't happen overnight... But keep this in mind Y/n... You can't do this forever and when you look back, will you be happy with the person you've become? As long as you can say you are, then I guess you don't have to worry about that kind of thing. Now if you'll excuse me, these clothes need to be washed," Donna explained.

Donna had been getting onto me about settling down for a long time now. It had become a mixture of anxiety that I had too many options, and a "yeah, yeah" kind of feeling. Aphamu and I shipped off to Brightport in a very tiny boat. When we got there she was greeted by John, a kid we were both very familiar with but in different ways. After a sweet reunion of the two, we made our way to the wolf tribe village. It had been a while since I'd been there, and everything was in shambles. It hurt to see it as such. When Aphmau and I had found a netherportal, she immediately tried using her powers to break it. This was how Vylad got out. 

"Come on powers! Work!" she said.

I watched as wings appeared from her back and light from her hands. I was stunned. I saw Irene. Each day made me realize it more. I had a bad feeling, but I couldn't quite place it... Aph broke the portal and we started our way back to Brightport to find a light in the old cave. 

"Careful, I see someone in there," Aph said.

I tried to take a peak, but she just barged in. 

"Um excuse me?" Aph asked.

She started questioning the man... I looked to see, it was Vylad. I could tell those eyes anywhere.

"Its you," he said to Aphmau.

"What?" Aph questioned.

Vylad's face was on full display. Something I couldn't quite remember seeing before... He was attractive, to say the least, and you could really see the small resemblances between the three brothers.

"You might recall me if I put this on," Vlyad said.

He threw on his scarf that I'd always seen him in.

"Wait a minute... You? You're the one who led me to Pheonix Drop," Aph said.

"Yes," Vlyad answered.

"It's him, do you remember?" Aph asked me. 

I didn't respond, thinking that Vylad knew what was best to do.

"I don't know what to say," Aph said.

"There's not much to say," Vylad answered. "Time has been kind to your appearance."

He pretended as if he knew nothing, which was funny to me. As if he and I had not calculated so many moves over time. 

"What I want to know is, why did you lead me the direction that Pheonix Drop was all those years ago?" Aph asked.

He stayed quiet for a moment, he was thinking over what to say. Depending on what he said, he could have spoiled everything.

"Years ago, I left a baby at your door," Vylad said.

"That was you?" Aph questioned. "Wait a minute, you were the man his mother talked about. The one that saved them."

There was silence... Vylad already knew everything he could ask her, and he wasn't one to waste time often.

"May I ask your name?" Aph asked.

"It's Vylad," he said.

"It's nice to meet you. My name is Aph-"

"Aohmau... I know your name," he said.

"How?" she asked.

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