Carol's New Obsession

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I didn't feel like partying but Sarah was a good friend and good friends stick together, even when they're feeling shitty. And I was feeling like a dumpster after Greg broke up with me. His words still stung: *You're too boring, Harriet. You don't even move…in bed.* Maybe hanging out with my girlfriends was what I needed. I put on a flower print sundress and headed out.

Sarah was celebrating at a brew pub downtown. It wasn't the kind of place I usually went to. I don't like beer and no amount of juice, honey, or cider could take me to the dark side. My nose crinkled at the smell of spilled beer, or old bread; I couldn't tell the difference. I followed the sound of Sarah's boisterous laughter to a back room where she was talking with a few of our other friends. I went over to say hello but I felt a presence elsewhere in the room. 

From the corner of my eye, I caught a swatch of deep red and when I turned to look, I saw a mountain of a woman. She was tall with short wavy hair that framed an angular face, not the kind that could cut glass but serious nonetheless. She wore a tailored pantsuit that highlighted an athlete's body. Underneath it, she wore a black blouse with a plunging neckline, a stark contrast to her pale skin. So much skin. She was stunning. So captivating that I carelessly bumped into Sarah. Her pint glass splashed on my dress.

"I'm sorry!" I said. "Let me get you a new one."

Sarah gave me a warm smile. "Don't worry about it! But if you're going up to the bar I have a tab open for us."

I leaned in closer and spoke softly: "Who's the business bombshell in the corner?"

"Oh, that's Carol, an old friend from college. She's in town on business."

I knew Sarah had gone to some small liberal arts college but didn't remember the name. "What does she do?" 

"Why don't you ask her? She's coming over."

"She's wha-"  I couldn't finish my sentence. Carol moved through the group like salmon through a river. Her eyes were locked on mine. 

"Hello, there. I'm Carol." Her voice was sweet and sultry, like a movie femme fatale's. Up close, I could see the outline of her modest breasts. I hoped I wasn't staring. Carol produced a silk handkerchief. "Are you alright? I saw your little spill."

"It's nothing," Sarah said. "Harriet here was about to replace it and get something to drink."

Carol grinned. "What a coincidence, so was I." She put her hand on my back to lead me out and her fingertips grazed a bit of exposed skin, sending a chill down my spine.

What was happening? I'd never felt so excited before. Never with a woman. But Carol seemed more than a woman; she had charisma oozing from every non-existent pore of her skin. As we made our way to the bar she turned heads. A million questions popped into my head and made a mad dash for my mouth and like a cartoon, got stuck in the door frame. 

"What do you like to drink?" she asked at the bar. Carol had to raise her voice over the noise. To be honest, I wasn't a big drinker. White wine, margaritas and mojitos were my speed. Before I could answer, Carol snapped her fingers. "Would you like to try something new? I promise you'll love it."

Was she flirting? I should have said no and asked for a chardonnay. I should have spoken up for myself but instead I slowly nodded.    

She roped a bartender with only a glance. "A Belgian white and two French Manhattans."

"What's in it?" I asked.

Carol leaned over and whispered in my ear. Her breath on my neck made my hair stand on end. "All the good stuff. Trust me."

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