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The powerful "crack" sound of her fingers slipping past each other reverberated around the kitchen.

I realised Jessica was smirking.

"What...what is happening?" I asked.

"This is fascinating. I can't believe it. I've never had a trance persist for so long." She peered at me and moved her head from side to side as if she would see something she couldn't already see.

"You've hypnotised me? When?"

She laughed. "When? Three days ago. Don't tell me you've forgotten. It's impressive that the suggestion has remained. Did we get interrupted I wonder?"


I grasped at myself and fought back a moan.

"To be honest," she continued, "At this stage I'm not sure whether it is hypnosis or just trained behaviour. Is it truly just the trigger still working on you? Or is your mind now expecting a reward regardless, like Pavlov's dog, drooling at just the ring of the dinner bell?"

"How...?" I croaked out.


She giggled and continued her teasing and gloating as I clutched my chest, feeling it beating hard.

"Are you wet? Are you aroused?"

She clicked her fingers again. I cried out in response, with excitement and frustration.

"Listen, I'll make you a deal. If you can survive until we get home without cumming in those cute knickers in front of everyone, I'll undo the suggestion and bring you out of the trance properly. Would you like that pet?" Her words rolled over my mind.

"Or maybe," she pondered, "you are so far gone you wouldn't object to being mine forever?"

My mind was foggy as her breath licked my ears but somehow, I managed a nod. For a moment however, I was confused. I wasn't entirely sure as to which option I had agreed to.



To Jessica's credit, she was gifted at hypnosis. That's my excuse for what happened. I'm not entirely sure if there is any way you can have a natural aptitude for something like hypnosis, but Jessica certainly had a devastating combination of traits that she had worked to develop. Firstly, her demeaner was the epitome of "cool, calm and collected" and anyone could notice that after spending just a few moments with her. From time to time she will get stressed, just like anyone else. Being her flatmate, I have certainly witnessed her flip out if the dishwasher isn't done "properly". However, even her anger, agitation and annoyance have a calm, accepting tinge to them. She was a relaxed person and that atmosphere spread to others. Many times she had easily calmed me down from my daily stresses from work or relationships, and that was before she ever attempted to put me in a trance.

Her voice helped with her calm demeaner. Soft and light most of the time, her voice could take a on a heavy weight when she used deeper tones and those were brilliant for starting the process of putting someone under hypnosis. The softness of her voice was also matched in the softness of her appearance. Her slim but smooth frame and unblemished skin sometimes made you feel as though you had caught the ear of a supportive goddess or angel, rather than any normal friend.

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