My Cup Over Flows With Joy

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My Cup Overflows With Joy

I was truly blessed in 2335, when I met my second cousin, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Third, who was the grandson of my granduncle, Lord Anthony Christopher Howard, and who was the son of his second son, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second.

There is a love story about my father-in-law, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second who was the favorite grandson of my great-grandfather, Lord Andrew Charles Howard and with good reason.

Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second had inherited the good looks of my great-grandfather and my great-great-great-great-grandmother, Lady Jeanette Virginia Beaufort.

My first cousin twice removed, Lord Andrew Charles Howard The Second was born in 2305, but he meet the very charming Lady Charlotte Louisa Lennox in 2315 and she was also born in 2305 and they were only fifteen years old when they fell in love with each other, and in 2318, they married each other, and two years later they gave birth to Lord Andrew Charles Howard the third.

I could see my great-grandfather in his favorite grandson and great-grandson that carried his name.

I told my mother "My first cousin once removed looks like my great-grandfather, Lord Andrew Charles Howard."

My mother told me " You resemble him too, Lady Victoria Elizabeth, do you know that you were his favorite great-granddaughter but his favorite granddaughter was Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard, as she was given the name of your paternal great-great-grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart."

"Your grandaunt had made a promise to your great-great-grandmother that she would name her first daughter after her great-grandmother." My mother told me.

"Lady Patricia Eugenie never got to live to see her first great-granddaughter named in honor." My mother told me.

"Lady Patricia Eugenie looks just like her maternal great-grandmother, Lady Patricia Eugenie Stuart." My mother told me.

"Lady Patricia Eugenie Howard's paternal great-grandmother is Lady Eliza Katherine Howard." My mother told me.

"Lady Eliza Katherine Howard was a renowned beauty of her age and she had golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and she could have had any man on Star Base 12 as the oldest granddaughter of your great-great-great-grandfather." My mother told me.

"Lady Eliza Katherine's father was the youngest brother of your great-great-grandfather, and he married the heiress to the Earldom of Essex, Lady Penelope Devereux, and they only had one living child, Lad Eliza Katherine in 2240 and she married in 2258, and her only living child was her son, Lord David William Beck, your second cousin twice removed, and he married Katherine Grace Kelly, a good friend of your great-grandmother and your paternal great-grandmother, " They were called The Sass and Class" of their time." My mother told me.

"Your grandmother told me the moment that they arrived on Star Base 12. That your great-grandfathers had chosen their brides along with their second cousin, Lord David William Beck." My mother told me.

"Susan Virginia Bell was very outspoken and she told your great-grandmother " Oh Look Karissa. They are looking at us."

"Your great-grandmother told her good friend, "Let them look then." and they just laughed.

"I am afraid that Susan Virginia Bell really didn't care for your great-grandfather, but it was your great-grandmother who told her friend " Come on now Susan. He is not that bad looking." My mother told me.

"Susan Virginia Bell didn't marry Lord Richard Edward Howard The Second until June of 2276 and your great-grandfather wasn't conceived until December of 2275." My mother told me.

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