70. What We Deserve.

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"Rosie, are you coming?" Ian shouted up to the porch, where Rosie was standing and kicking her foot against the railing. She shook her head. She wasn't going anywhere. What if they were trying to get them to spread out and then they all die? "Aw, come on. We're supposed to explore. Maybe they'll have soda somewhere," Ian said, raising his hands out to his sides.

"They lied about the soda," Rosie said, raising her eyebrows back at him.

"You don't know that. Maybe you just haven't seen it. Come on. Please?" Ian said, bouncing on his toes impatiently. Rosie looked out across their group, who were almost all splitting off and going in their own directions. If they were all splitting up anyway, staying at the house wouldn't make any difference. So, Rosie gave in and started down the stairs. "Yes!" Ian smiled. "Where should we go first?"

"I don't know," Rosie said with a shrug. She didn't have any idea where to go. In Reston, she'd usually just wander around the neighborhood. Sometimes she'd stop by 7/11 and snag a packet of M&Ms or she'd go to the park and swing on the swings. She spent a lot of her time in the woods, though, climbing trees and collecting cicada shells. This place didn't have any woods, though.

"Deanna said there's another kid here our age," Ian said. He started walking down the street, and Rosie followed, even though neither one of them had a destination in mind. "She said his name's Sam, and he's got a brother who's Carl's age named Ron."

"Oh, great," Rosie said sarcastically. She had absolutely no interest in meeting this boy named Sam, because most kids her age were annoying. Especially the boy ones. Ian was alright now, but he was very annoying at first. Even more annoying than Carl used to be.

"I saw his mom the other day. She was nice and she said she could give me a haircut, but I said no because I still needed to shower. Anyway, she said we could come over to meet Sam any time, but I don't know where she lives," Ian said. He stopped at an intersection, squinting his eyes and looking around in each direction.

"Are you... looking both ways before crossing the street? There aren't any cars, Ian," Rosie said, scrunching her face up a little bit. Ian laughed and shook his head.

"No. I'm trying to see if I can find the nice woman. Help me look. She was blonde," Ian said, and started walking again. Rosie followed behind him, but she wasn't helping look, because she didn't really want to meet Sam.

"Hey, do ya think she'll have soda?" Rosie asked, kicking at a rock on the pavement. Ian shrugged, but then he stopped and elbowed Rosie's side to get her attention. "What?" Rosie asked, elbowing him back.

"That's her," Ian said. He pointed down the street, and there was the blonde lady. Next to her, Rick was standing there with Judith in his arms and Carl by his side. "Come on," Ian said before quickening his pace to get to Rick and the lady. Rosie followed after him, but kept her leisurely pace. "Hi," Ian said once he reached the small group. Rosie didn't say anything when she reached them a few moments after.

"Hi! You're Ian, right?" the blonde woman said, smiling wide. Ian nodded, smiling back. The woman turned to look at Rosie, who had gravitated closer to Rick and Carl. "And I don't think I've met you yet. I'm Jessie."

Rosie didn't say anything in response, so Rick did for her. "This is Rosie," he said, putting his free hand on Rosie's shoulder. Jessie gave a smile, but Rosie didn't return it.

"Well, me and Carl were just heading back to my house so he could meet my boys, if you two want to come with," Jessie suggested.

"Sure," Ian agreed easily. Rosie didn't say anything, but she still went with anyway, because maybe Jessie's house had some soda. Carl, Ian, and Rosie started following Jessie towards her house. Her house was just as big as every other house. Rosie didn't understand why four people needed such a gigantic house, but she kept her questions to herself.

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