Chapter 1 : A strange encounter.

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Welcome to Wuju Bakery.
Hope you'll like this first chapter !

Hope you'll like this first chapter !🥐👽

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It was raining inside the bakery.

The weather was not good this morning.
Sometimes the sun was there for a split of seconds but it was chased by a violent wind.
It was also very dark outside : it looked like the weather was fighting a battle.
Something was strange and people didn't understand why.

''....Our weather report informs us that there should be a storm, tonight, we ask for extreme vigilance on the part of our citizens...''

The sound of the radio made the young pastry chef raise his head.
A storm ?
It was usually a trivial thing...He didn't understand why the journalists were talking about it like that.
It was simply just water and some lighting.
He didn't have time to care, he had so much work and money to make !

''Good morning !''

A grandfather entered the little shop.
His big mustache pointed skyward and his eyes sparkled like stars.
He looked funny, with a gentle touch and a warm smile.

''Mister Lee.''

''How are you ? Everything is going well here ?''

Everything was going very well .... Almost.
The oven had been fickle since this morning and refused to heat up enough to bake the pastries.
There was a small leak in the roof so it was raining in the backroom.
The toilet still wasn't working... However, as usual, Wuju just smiled:

''Everything is fine, sir, thank you. Do not worry about me.''

''Ah, I wish you a lot of courage, at such a young age... Buying this old ruined building...You must have lose your mind.''

"Well it was my parents' dream..."

''Yes, yes, I know that well....'' Mister Lee nodded slowly. ''I wish you much success then. Remember, if you give up, come to me ! I'll give you a good price''

''Thank you, sir, but I won't sell it ! Remember to come back with your friends if you want to spend a lovely moment! Soon enough, this place will feel like paradise !''


''Eh, why are you laugh--..."

Wuju didn't have time to argue because the old gentleman had already left.
The young baker sighed as he rolled his eyes.
He knew, his bakery wasn't in a big shopping district and there weren't even a lot of people there...
But he had to.
He would do it....He could do it.

He had made a promise and he would keep it.
Because his lost parents deserved it.
So he had opened his own bakery which he had choose to call : Wuju Bakery !

''Let's get some work done.'' sighed Wuju to give himself courage.

He tried to measure the exact quantities to produce cupcakes but suddenly his machine refused to work!
He tried again..
And again...
And again....

"AIIIISHHH!" yelled the frustrated young man. ''WHY DON'T YOU WORK ??''

It was the worse day of his life ever !
Wuju was supposed to open his shop the very next morning!
The weather outside darkened even more and the wind blew violently.
Wuju tried to calm down, he rubbed his temples for a moment, before taking a white and red dishcloth to clean his tables.


Wuju looked up, seeing a shadow on the ground.
Wait...what ?
No one would dare to go out with such weather... The pastry chef wrinkled his brow, and he sat up completely, before looking outside, intrigued.

There was a man.

He was standing there, with an umbrella, and the falling rain blurred his face slightly.
Was Wuju having some illusions now ? He tried to look deeper but he felt a little dizzy.

''Who's crazy enough to stand in the rain like that...'' whispered Wuju a little surprised.

He frowned but kept his demeanor professional.
Maybe he could get a new client?
He was willing to try.
Wuju putted on his most beautiful smile, revealing all his white teeth to the man and said :

''Good morning ! Can I help you?....Sir...? Hello ?''

The man didn't answer.
Maybe he was a stranger ? Wait, Wuju wasn't so good with foreign language...

''Hello ? Konnichiwa...?...Hola ? Bonjour ???..''


The sky was still raining as if it had a big sorrow.
What the hell ?
For a brief moment, it was as if the world stopped spinning and Wuju saw the man raise his umbrella.

''...S-Sir ?''

Wuju squinted, but the rain intensified so much that he couldn't see anything.
Then, a minute passed, and the sun broke through the clouds again...

But the man had disappeared.

It was such a strange encounter.

{ End of chap 1 }


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