Chapter 15 : ''Not Wuju''

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Something cute...Under the moonlight...Ah romance on the way 🥹👀

{ Fluffy pancakes! Who wants some ? I am volunteer! 🥞 }

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{ Fluffy pancakes! Who wants some ? I am volunteer! 🥞 }

As every time Raon sulked, the latter had gone to complain to Pearl, Mister Lee's dog.




The animal had its head resting on Raon's thigh, its large eyes shining with fatigue looking at the alien.
The latter had his face raised towards the starry sky, he had found his brother, it was a good thing but...Kiyun now at his side, Raon had no more reason to stay on earth.
However, he wasn't sure that...He wanted to leave and he didn't know why.

''Raon...'' Wuju's weak voice caught his attention.

Oh, how he loved hearing this human say his name.
It was like a delicious delicacy: here everything tasted bad.
Except maybe...Wuju's favorite yellow drink, but Raon didn't know if he liked it or if it was just to please Wuju.

''I'm sorry...'' muttered Wuju who slowly approached him, handing him the remote control. ''You can watch TV... if you want. I was being upset...for nothing.''

Raon smiled, taking the precious item, before patting the spot next to him and Pearl.
Wuju accepted the invitation, he even surprised Raon, by resting his head on Raon's right shoulder.

''It would be...nice if you stopped leaving every time you are sulking...'' growled Wuju closing his eyes. ''You know...I'm worried...When you leave...At least tell me goodbye. I do not like it. I don't like people leaving without saying goodbye. I hate it for real.''


Wuju was no longer the happy little boy he had once met.
Now he seemed sadder and something told Raon that the young man was incredibly lonely...
On this big planet, where there were millions of humans... Billions even... Wuju felt lonely.
How strange it was, for the prince alien, to meet this lonely human.

''I'm sorry, I'm not angry at you anymore.'' sighed Wuju yawning. ''We should go back inside...''

Raon stroked Pearl's yellow fur and the dog waggled her tail happily.
To be like this, with a human and a four-legged animal. It was really strange for Raon.. But he did like it.
He liked everything here since he had met Wuju.

''The TV...teaches Raon.'' tried to explain the alien, wrinkling his brow.

''Hm.'' said Wuju clenching his fists. ''I noticed that you were watching your silly series to learn our language, but I got carried away, I was a little tense... You are doing well, Raon. I am proud of you.''

''Happy ?'' asked the alien.

''Happy....Raon is happy too ?''

''Happy, happy !'' nodded Raon.

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