Chapter 23 : "Raon" "No."

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Are they fighting again ?
No way...
Ah, yes they are.
Raon, why are you so stubborn?! 👽

{ Korean alcool, also called Makgeolli ! You guys can't drink it if you are not an adult, okay ? 👀🍚 }

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{ Korean alcool, also called Makgeolli ! You guys can't drink it if you are not an adult, okay ? 👀🍚 }

''Raon, where are the others?'' growled Wuju shaking the alien.

But the latter was sulking and refusing to speak.
Wuju sighed, he still had to bake the cake promised to the villagers and Raon was sick.

''No, don't touch those chickens!'' shouted Wuju seeing Raon glancing at the poor animals.

He rushed to his window and closed it before frowning:

"Raon, I asked you where the others were? Why are you alone ? I thought that mister diva and your servant windy always followed you everywhere?!"

''Locked...'' muttered Raon puffing out his cheeks.

''Ah, what did you say? What are you talking about ?''

Raon rolled his eyes and Wuju had the urge to slap him.
It was strange, this feeling of love, a second before he wanted to kiss him and now he wanted to kill him.


''In the ship.'' explained the latter.

Raon had locked Kiyun and Air in their spaceship....
Wuju tilted his head in confusion and tapped his finger on the wall.

“Don't spawn your ship on that roof okay? This house is super old, it's going to collapse on us. You can't destroy this place, it's not even mine. Got it ?"

''Got it." Repeated Raon.

Raon nodded like an obedient child and stood up.
He was still staggering a little, like every time he used his powers too much.
But the prince wanted to help Wuju.


''Ah yes.'' sighed Wuju, he grabbed his white apron and offered a black one to Raon. ''We'll start by putting the flour with the eggs, then some yeast and sugar, don't put too much force...OK?''

Raon followed each step indicated by Wuju with concentration.
He was like an obedient young student, even Han Min wasn't that serious.

''You're doing great.'' whispered Wuju smiling.

On his side of the kitchen, Wuju had prepared homemade whipped cream, with good fresh eggs and cream produced by Yechan.
Life was so calm and peaceful here that Wuju felt cut off from the real world.
About his bakery, his sad past and his problems.
When the cake was ready, his friend Yechan arrived smiling:

"Oh, Wuju do you have a friend coming over?"

''Who is it?'' asked Raon whose gaze had suddenly hardened.

Raon analyzed the individual.
A tall human, taller than Wuju, and he looked like a mountain.
Wuju ran a hand through his curly hair before sighing:

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