Chapter 25 : Empty

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It's not so cute and fluffy anymore but we always need some serious situation to enjoy a good story.

It's not so cute and fluffy anymore but we always need some serious situation to enjoy a good story

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{ Do you guys like pizza? I love it 🥺❤️ 🍕 }

....... TV is on... :

''....The world didn't collapse overnight, but it was as if the sky was angry.''

''Yes, this is exactly what people are saying : it was such a terrible night !''

Wuju listened to the voices of the journalists scandalized by the new storm which had made many damages in his city.
He rolled his eyes, bored by everything.
Nothing really interests him anymore, he had become an animator in a small center for the elderly, and often helped in the kitchen.

"Hey bro!" Jay rushed like an idiot outside, ignoring the rain. "Haven't you seen my dog? Han Min is gonna kill me !"

''Ah....Yes...Han Min warned me, Officer Dion founded him wandering alone in the street. Seriously, Jay, you should be more careful. It's a living being not some toy.''

Jay shrugged sulkily.

''I had nothing to do with it, this stupid dog was afraid of the storm...''

Wuju sighed.
He wasn't really in the mood to argue. He still had to finish writing a page for his book.

''What are you doing?'' asked Jay tilting his head.

''I'm writing a book filled with my personal recipes...''

''Oh...What about getting your bakery back hm ?''

''You know that I can't...''

His friend then nodded, staying by Wuju's side but it was boring.
Every day looked the same now. The strangers were gone and Wuju's happyness with them too...
It was gloomy to stay here, in his small living room.

''We should go out to the bar tonight.'' suggested Jay, ''It's our dear officer who invites us !''

''I don't know...'' mumbled Wuju who looked beside his phone, there was a dried clover.

''Com'on, you can't say no all the time !''

Jay pretended to cry and Wuju found himself forced to accept.
Once in the cozy little bar, Wuju felt tired, he had no desire to be here.
Seriously, why was he here? Surrounded by people chatting happily and looking so... Fine.

“Oh, Sir Wuju!” shouted Han Min.

The young boy greeted him with his polite smile and Jay crushed his shoulder laughing.

''The wolf came out of his cave! I did it hehehe.''

''It's been a long time.'' Dion's deep voice startled Wuju who looked at him with interest.

The policeman had also changed, in a rather brutal way, he had a beard of a few days and seemed lost in his thoughts.
Wuju took a seat next to Dion and Jay went to buy drink followed by Han Min :

''This two...'' said Dion while looking at them, but he simply let out a sight.

Wuju understood and he nodded.
Han Min and Jay were quite hard to deal sometime, they were like an explosion of overwhelming feelings.
The young boy took some snacks in his hand and he saw Dion slightly nervous.

''They went home.'' said Wuju.

''Yeah...but...You know, I thought that maybe....''

''If it's can help you feel better, Kiyun cried because he wanted to say goodbye.''

Dion laughed but his eyes got darker.
Kiyun was a cute child, sometimes acting spoiled, but he had a kind heart.
The officer did not like when people cry... Especially when it was his loved one.

''Did he cry a lot...?''

''Hm...'' Wuju looked at the ceiling. He wasn't sure about what to say anymore. ''They are where they are needed.''

Dion nodded, he knew that too.
But he couldn't accept that Wuju was unaffected by all of this.
He took a sip of his mojito and tried to sound friendly:

''What about you, young baker ?''

'' not anymore. I am working as a teacher now. Helping elder to cook.''

''I miss it...'' whispered Dion.

He wasn't talking about Wuju's bakery.
Of course, he wasn't.
Wuju sighed and he tried to ignore the rest of the evening.
Simply drinking could help him lift his mood a little.

''He is drunk.'' growled Han Min.

''He is not.'' replied Jay.

''He is.'' said Dion.

Jay was about to say something back again but Wuju stood up and threw up on the floor.

''Ok, he is.'' said Jay while leaving the table.

''Where are you going motherfucker ?!'' cried Han Min.

These two left Dion with our very drunk Wuju alone.
Oh damn.
Wuju was dizzy and walking like he could fly.

''Eh, careful!'' Dion tried to reach Wuju's waist but he felt a slightly wind against his chest...

Wait ?
Was he dreaming now ?
He must have been drunk too.
Wuju tried hard to stand for himself but ended up carried by the officer.

''Alright, let me take you home...''

''Home....'' said Wuju with a tiny voice. ''Raon was my home too.''

''What ?''

Dion did not have time to understand Wuju's gibberish words because the young man cried like there was no tomorrow.
Oh damn, it was hard to handle his life already, now Dion had to face an heartbroken young man.


''Yeah, he used to say so...'' cried Wuju.

''Ah..? You mean...Your name ?''


''Well, it's... Anyway, let's go, ok ?''

Dion took Wuju's hand and he called for a taxi.
Again, he felt a slight pression against his chest, but they were alone in the street.


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