Chapter 19 : Air

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Alright, I will try to write again, but I am still a little bit sick, so be nice with me 🥺 !

Alright, I will try to write again, but I am still a little bit sick, so be nice with me 🥺 !

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{ Japanese Tea, with Sakura cherry flavour, Air's fav drink! 🍵}

''May you have a good day !''

''Thank you, young Wuju !''

A week later, Wuju was serving a customer when a waiter caught his attention.

''S...Sir ?''

The man ignored him slightly, as if searching for something, looking around.
Then he took a deep breath and looked at the pastry chef:

''Good morning.''

''Would you like something, sir ?''

The man tilted his head, and in his gaze, Wuju immediately understood that this man was not normal.
Just like Raon and Kiyun, he had a kind of strange glowing and soft aura.

''I'm looking for someone...'' confessed the man clearing his throat. ''But I admit to being a bit lost, I lived here a few years ago and everything changed...Time flies fast when we are not there.''

Wuju frowned.
He nodded slowly before sighing.

"Are you coming for Raon?"

''The...Prince Raon.'' corrected the man with an offended look. ''The prince... is here ? Do you know him ?''

''With his idiot brother, yes. They are talking to a dog, in my garden.''

The alien's eyes widened in amazement.
He knew his prince had different powers than others, but talking with a four-legged animal?
No one was able to do such a thing ! How great was his prince...

''I am so happy to have found him.... May I see him ?''

''Wait.'' Wuju rolled his eyes before opening his window. "Raon, Kiyun, come here!"

''No !'' cried Kiyun's voice. ''Playing again !''

''Get your freaking ass here in a minute or no more TV !'' barked Wuju.

Immediately, the other two men had returned to the shop.
When the man's gaze fell on Raon, he immediately apologized and knelt down before mentally greeting him.

“Oh, it's Air!” Kiyun shouted with his usual smirk. ''Air, Air, Air...''

Wuju arched an eyebrow, he was confused by their sudden silence.
But Wuju understood that they were all able to communicate without speaking... So he said nothing, just feeling his heart beating slowly, already preparing for Raon's departure.
Wuju didn't want to think about it yet. Because for now, Raon was here...and aliens kept coming to his home !

''I see.'' Air mumbled as he sat up. ''You took care of our prince and his brother... Our planet thanks you.''

Wuju shrugged, as if nothing could really surprise him anymore and he crossed his arms:

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