Chapter 3 : Rain on your face

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The weather is still pretty bad, but Wuju's situation is worse !

The weather is still pretty bad, but Wuju's situation is worse !

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{ A custard pie, which also called un flan parisien 🍮 }

The stranger, well, actually, he was clearly not Korean, had strangely tinted eyes: sometimes a bright silver color, his gaze nonetheless sparkling with a bluish glow.

''...I'm sorry, I'm not open yet...'' muttered Wuju. ''Could you come back later....?''

He had lost his mind.
He had gone mad.
It was impossible and Wuju was surely just dreaming, maybe he had played too much videogames with Jay, his silly friend.
However, deep inside, Wuju didn't want to be rude to a customer so he tried to stay polite....

''Don't move.'' ordered the man.

''...Ah ??''

The latter tilted his face slightly, and Wuju noticed a long silver earring.
The jewelry was incredibly beautiful and it must have been worth a fortune....
Wait, this guy was rich ?!
No one in this small area was wealthy...Was this tourist lost ?

''What are you doing...?? Do you need some hel-...?'' exclaimed Wuju.

He saw the stranger approach him closer, so close that he felt his breath against his temple, and the next second, the pain that had invaded Wuju disappeared.
He was no more feeling a throbbing pain next to his left eyes.

''No more blood.'' stated the man, his expressionless face showing no emotion.

"I...uh...Thank you?"

Wuju only breathed once the man was away from him.
Damn, his heart raced like he ran a marathon!
Maybe that guy was some medecine student ? Well, he actually looked young, maybe even younger than Wuju.


Ah yes, the stray cat.
Wuju absently opened the window, praying with all his might that when he will look back behind him, the strange man will no longer be there...
He needed to remind himself that he was just dreaming...Alright, just a crazy dream.

''How...How?'' whispered the young pastry chef. ''How did you came in my mind..? I have never seen your face before...Are you some new trainee from Y Entertainment?''

A huge cracking sound startled him, and Wuju cried out in fear.
He took a step back, and immediately found himself in the arms of the unknown man.
Oh damn.
He had almost been crushed by his own house !


''My...My ceiling!'' stammered Wuju.

Without really thinking, he grabbed the man's hand and ran away.
Outside in his little yard where he had only planted some flowers, Wuju saw his land completely destroyed...
Alright, this dream was actually pretty long...Wuju desperately wanted to wake up.

"What happened here?! My garden... The storm did that ?!"

''Mmm...Fallen.'' replied the man, his face hardened.

He pointed to the bad weather and a flash lit up the entire dark sky.
Wuju widened his eyes, before looking at his roof: there was a huge gaping hole...Wuju also could see that their were some catching fire but luckily the rain extinguished the fire and a thick black smoke rose in the air...
What an insane dream !

''My...My shop...I'm not assured yet!'' swore Wuju taking his head in his hands and he started to walk in all directions. ''I didn't pay insurance for that! What do I tell them? Oh, hello, excuse me, I have a spaceship in my house?! Of course, Wuju, they will believe you!!!! I am doomed, I am doomed !''

The young boy panicked and burst into tears.
He was already so stressed and now this damn dream was really looking to real...Wuju freaked out.
Unable to realize that he was also in a bad state, he let himself fall against a wall.

''...Everything had to finally...Finally work out...'' cried Wuju. ''I was supposed to open tomorrow....''

''It's raining.'' whispered the man who hadn't taken his eyes off Wuju.

The latter knelt in front of Wuju, leaning his head, trying to get a better look at the young man's face.

''There's rain on your face, human.'' commented the stranger.

"Oh...shut up." mumbled Wuju who sniffled into his sleeve.

His face puffed up with grief made him as cute as a doll.
The strange man held out his hand, and Wuju noticed a, something like a tattoo? Shaped like a compass, as if to give him some strange directions that Wuju didn't understand.
Who the hell was this guy ?

''What the... Anyway, who are you anyway, sir?'' growled Wuju narrowing his eyes. ''You did not tell me your nam-...''

His confusion gave way to great anger.
His heart filled with hatred and he stared at the man sternly:

''You have destroyed my dream!''


''...Eh....? What ? What did you say ?''

Wuju's anger dissipated immediately, his brain began to search in all the languages he quickly knew....Ra...On..???
The stranger pointed to his own chest, and he elegantly lowered his gaze:

''Raon...( Then he pointed at the young man )....Wuju..?''

The name of the pastry chef was like a question.
Wuju's eyes widened then when the man put his hand on Wuju's chest, just at the level of his racing heart.



Very satisfied with that answer, the stranger who obviously was called Raon, nodded.
Wuju was completely confused, and suddenly, he saw behind Raon, his magnificent sign where << WUJU BAKERY >> was written in large letters...collapsed to the ground.

It was a just a dream...Right ?!

Dreams were supposed to be beautiful or funny...No, this was a nightmare and Wuju was desperately waiting to wake up.

''I can't...believe it !''


''What ?!''

Raon carried Wuju against his chest as if he weighed nothing, and some strange green light surrounded them.
What's now ?!


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