Chapter 21 : Closed

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Wuju's Bakery is now closed.
Where did they go ?
Why is everyone leaving?  🥺💔

Where did they go ?Why is everyone leaving?  🥺💔

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<< Closed >>

That meant Wuju wasn't there.
The bakery was closed.
Even Pearl, the four legged animal, wasn't in her court.
Raon had been coming for three days now, every morning. But it was still not open and Wuju was nowhere to be seen.

''He's gone, your highness.'' muttered Air with a sigh.

Kiyun's violent thought almost exploded in the face of the aliens:

👽 : ~ It's your fault you idiot servant. You didn't explain the situation well. Not good. Now the prince is sad.~

Air replied with concerned:

👽 : ~ This young man is just a simple human ! How could he affect our prince !? ~

Raon arched an eyebrow but said nothing, nor thought anything.
Without Wuju around, he didn't feel the point of speaking out.
Raon looked at the panel again, hoping maybe it would magically turn back to << OPEN >> and Wuju would come out and scold him like he always do.
Honestly, Raon did not understand, why his boy left him alone...

In the evening, when the police officer had finished his patrol, he found the aliens in his living room, again.


''Di On is back !'' cried happily the kid.

He straightened up immediately.
He had a bad habit of lying on the floor and eating crisps like a teenager.
Di On frowned with a sigh:

"Guys, I think I understand why this young man needed some vacations... The sink is overflowing with dishes, the floor is dusty, and there are even stains on my walls! I need to clean this place before bugs come in !"

''Bugs ?'' asked Kiyun.

''Insects.'' explained Air while sipping his cola like a tea.


Air immediately apologized to the officer and Raon slowly looked up from the TV.
He lowered his head slowly before speaking:

"I'm sorry, Officer Di On."

''Well...It's not really...''

The policeman pursed his lips, had he been too severe?
He had noticed how unmotivated the prince was at the moment...
Three days ago, Wuju had sent him a text, just saying that he was taking a break.
Now, Di On had to deal with three aliens everyday and it's started to be... Hard to handle.

''Listen guys, I think Wuju...'' the latter's name alone caught Raon's sparkling gaze again. ''Noooo,I don't know where he is for the hundredth time, prince.... But I think he was really hurt by the idea that uh...Prince Raon didn't tell him a bit about his private life. Maybe, when he will be back, you could...You know. Talk about that promised one.''

Basically, Wuju's jealousy had pushed him to push Raon away.
But the policeman didn't know how to explain it to Raon.

''It's like your wind, your highness.'' explained Air with his usual seriousness. "You don't like it when someone else approaches Sir Wuju, do you?"

''Do not like.''

''Well...Sir Wuju is doing the same right now. He is... Pushing you away. Because he doesn't like the idea of you having someone else. In his humans way.''

Di On nodded.
He would not have explained better.
Raon seemed confused and suddenly Kiyun rolled his eyes :

''Because they are stupid.''

''Stupid is really your favourite word...'' growled Di On while scolding the kid.

Kiyun smiled like a brat.
He raised his hand and touched Di On's cheek before saying with his cheerful tone :

''...Di On is my fav.''

''Wh...What ?''

Raon let out a powerful sight.
Damn, he wanted to be with Wuju.
Not sticking with this officer and his annoying little brother.
Air was also quite tired of staying here...He had spend one year on Earth, once, but he haven't really liked it.
Humans were...complex.
The problem was : without their prince's power, they could not have their spaceship repaired.
No ship, no flying, no coming back home.

''Home.'' suddenly said Raon while starring straight at Air. ''My home is Wuju.''

Air quickly apologized. Sometimes royal family could have outstanding powers : Raon had read in his mind easily and it was actually fucking scary.

''Stupid Air.'' whispered Kiyun. ''Hurting our prince...''

''Stop arguing.'' scoffed Di On. ''Are you really a family ? You are always...''

''Prince Raon is not my family.'' said Air. ''He is a prince. One day, he will rule over our planet.''

''No !'' cried Rain. ''I will stay with Wuju !''

Lee Di On watched the prince fall apart.
His face was covered with tears but the tension did not stop raising up.
Air stood straight and he almost yelled at Raon :

''He is NOT our people. HE IS JUST HUMAN !''

''He is Wuju.''

''A simple HUMAN. Your majesty, we really can't stay here...We have to leave too. He is gone, isn't he ? He left you. He will never come back for you.''

This time, Kiyun felt angry.
How could this asshole dare hurt his brother?! Only Kiyun was allowed too.
He took a quick step towards Air and pucnhed him.

''KIYUN !'' cried Di On.

He had to stop them fighting and now they were rolling on the floor, like stupid children.
Kicking, punching and biting...Biting ?!

''What the fuck ?'' scoffed Di On.

He had a huge red mark on his hands and felt deeply disgusted when he saw the saliva....
It was really too much.

''Enough.'' said coldy Raon. ''You two will go home. I'll stay here.''

The officer had never seen such a scary expression on the prince's face.
He was pissed off and both Kiyun and Air tried to apologize.


Was the only thing Raon said.
And last thing.
He nodded towards Di On and his tattoos started to light up with a strange green light.
In a few seconds... Lee Di On was alone.

''Heh !...''

Only the silence responded to him.
Kiyun was gone...and his living room never felt so lonely.

and his living room never felt so lonely

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