Chapter 9 : Pearl

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Yesterday was a day off, but today, Wuju's bakery is open ! Let's come inside and see what will happen ;)

Yesterday was a day off, but today, Wuju's bakery is open ! Let's come inside and see what will happen ;)

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{ Home made coffee, with love and passion! ☕ }

Wuju had decided to ignore Raon from that day on.
That was so stupid: Wuju belonged to Wuju and that was it.
Raon must have been watching too much Kdrama for saying such nonsense and gave Wuju's heart some...Well.
His heart rate being too high being the first cause: he didn't want to risk heart problems before he was old!


Han Min was holding a large trash bag in his arms, when he called out for Wuju's attention.
His shy air had given way to an extremely proud attitude:

''Where did your strange friend go...? Will he help us or not ?''


Wuju had worked so hard to knead the dough for his little puffs that he hadn't paid attention to his surroundings.
Where the hell was Raon ?!

''He...I thought he was with you...''

''WHAT ?! No, I thought that he was with y-..''

"Hey guys, that's way too funny. Guys, look at Raon hahah !"

Jay entered through the main door with a roar of laughter.
Raon behind him, held several plastic bags in his arms.

''Look, he's too strong! He manages to carry all the bags of flour without help! I feel so weak besides him hahaha...What are you, Raon ? Some kind of Hulk ?''

''Jay!'' roared Wuju, his eyes widening.

He quickly removed the flour from his hands before rushing towards Raon.
The latter gave him a small confused smile and Wuju frowned:

''It's not good. Just because he can do it doesn't mean you have to let him wear it all!'' grumbled Wuju arguing with Jay.

''Come on, it's probably not that heavy, why are you scolding me like an old grandma ?!''

''You such an ass...''

''Haha.. Alright, my bad, thank you, Raon !''

The blond shrugged, happily going to throw out the trash with his friend.
Raon handed the bags to Wuju, with a proud smile:


''Tha...Thank you.'' muttered Wuju.

He started putting the ingredients in his pantry.
Thanks to Raon and Han Min, Wuju no longer had time to be depressed alone in his corner, even if Raon's arrival had posed many problems.
Now, he had to watch over three kids. Thanks the sky for making him a freaking babysitter.

''Wuju.'' called Raon, looking outside.

''What do you want...?''

Wuju grimaced immediately upon noticing Mr. Lee's famous black car.
This rich damn never left him alone, he wanted Wuju's property at all costs to build a huge shopping center.

''Well, I see you're...A few days late.'' greeted the old man. ''Is everything alright? Are you finally giving up..?''

''Mister Lee.'' muttered Wuju, frowning.

He quickly wiped his hands against his apron, it was a nervous gesture.
Wuju didn't really like this man, but he always had to be polite.

''I had some trouble with this huge storm... But my bakery is gonna open.''

''Oh...yes, they talked about it on TV. It even seems that the police are looking for something important.''

The old man's gaze narrowed suspiciously.
He leaned towards Wuju with a smile on his face;

''They didn't say anything more but I'm sure a meteorite fell in our village....It must be worth a hell of a lot of money right?''

Wuju arched an eyebrow.
He slowly slid his gaze to Raon, who was watching a drama without caring about them.
A precious meteorite huh?
Should the young baker sold Raon to the government?
Wuju rolled his eyes before offering the old man a coffee.

"Oh, well..." Mister Lee sat down at a table with a sigh. ''If you insist.''

''I'm coming very soon.''

Wuju immediately set to work.
He ground the coffee beans with his greatest concentration and when the coffee was ready a good smell rose in the air.
He loved to make coffee, because he had learn this with his father and it was such a precious memories...

''Here, Mr. Lee.''

''Thank you, child.''

The old gentleman drank the coffee without a single remark, as if he was focused in by the stupid Kdrama that Raon was watching.
Intrigued, Wuju took a quick look at the television before recognizing a very well-known series with a celebrity falling in love with an alien...
Such a stupid Kdrama far from the reality!

''Raon!'' suddenly, Wuju got annoyed and he was pinching his  nose. "Go do the dishes, please. Stop looking at those stupid series..."

The handsome alien obeyed immediately, he was not really stubborn, fortunately.
Mister Lee laughed a little seeing Raon like this:

''He reminds me of my Pearl haha...''


Wuju tilted his head.
Oh, the white dog on the other side of his garden.
Mr. Lee nodded quickly:

''She's a nice pet, she never barks you know!''

''That's right.'' confessed Wuju realizing that he was often petting the sociable animal. ''I have an old stray cat that comes by from time to time and she has never attacked him...''

''She's well educated...'' whispered the old gentleman proudly. "But it's sad, I'm too old to take her out now...She loved going for walks."

Wuju felt his heart pinch a little.
Maybe Raon would also like to get out of the bakery a bit?
Immersed in his thoughts, he did not notice that the two high school students behind him had heard everything:

''Hey sir, we can do it!'' exclaimed Jay with his usual good humor.

''Jayyyy...'' grumbled Han Min. ''I'm afraid of dogs...''

"What?!" Jay burst out laughing and started teasing his friend. ''Are you serious bro ? No way...''

''Stop making fun of me !''

''Woof woof!''

''Ah Jay shut up !''

Jay and Han Min weez fighting like children...
However, Wuju liked the idea, going for a walk with Pearl could also bring Raon out.
Maybe the latter could find a spaceship in store? (Well...if it existed...).
Wait, could people buy such a thing nowadays?

''I will, Mr. Lee. I'll take care of Pearl!'' offered Wuju.


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