2. Head in the Clouds

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⇢˚⋆ Head in the Clouds

⇢˚⋆ Head in the Clouds 𖥻gossip

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Atsumu was painting posters with the spirit team for the upcoming football game.

The room was buzzing with excitement as everyone worked together to create the perfect decorations. Suddenly, Atsumu's friend Kaiyo walked in, looking like she had some juicy gossip to share with him, as usual.

"Hey Atsumu, have you heard about what's been happening on the football field?" Kaiyo asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes, as she handed him the extra paint for Mrs. Morisuke that she went to go grab.

Atsumu looked up from his poster, intrigued but also a bit anxious when he heard that Suna might be in trouble again.

"No, what's been going on?" he asked curiously.

"Well, apparently there's been some drama between the players again," Kaiyo said, leaning in closer to him. "I heard that one of them got into a fight with another guy and now they're not talking to each other," she whispered the last part, as if it was a secret.

Atsumu raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued.

"Really? That sounds pretty serious. But please tell me it's not Suna and Ginjima this time-"

"Yeah, it is," Kaiyo said, nodding. "But it's not Suna and Ginjima this time. You know how high school drama can be. I'm sure those boys will work it out eventually."

Atsumu chuckled. "Yeah, I guess you're right. High school drama can be pretty ridiculous sometimes. I'm just glad it wasn't Suna this time."

Kaiyo shifted the topic, "Oh, right! I wanted to ask you, Atsumu. I heard that Suna and Benson got into a fight again. Do you know why?"

Atsumu shot her a peculiar look. "Why would you ask me when Aoi-san is over there?"

Kaiyo huffs in dissatisfaction at his response. "But it's not the same!"

"And why is that?"

"Because she's known for telling lies and you don't tell lies, Atsumu. I trust you more than I trust her." She huffs from her spot, "plus, you and Suna are close and everything so you of all people should know what happened. I mean, did he really not tell you anything though?"

Atsumu raised an eyebrow, giving her a look that said, "Are you serious?" before setting down his paintbrush for what felt like the millionth time.

"Course', he told me. But I shouldn't be telling you since it's none of yer business," he says plainly. "Besides, if ya really want to know so badly, why don't you ask him yerself?"

Kaiyo groans, feeling like Atsumu was never going to tell her what happened at this rate. It was just her luck for being so nosy. She guessed she would have to pester him again about it during lunch.

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