11. Shiro-San

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⇢˚⋆ Shiro-San

⇢˚⋆ Shiro-San 𖥻puppy

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"Osamu, could you please go and fetch your brother from upstairs? We have a surprise for the both of you, and we would like both of you to be present in the living room."

Osamu set aside the comic book he had been reading and rose from the sofa, casting a curious glance at his parents. However, their expressions remained neutral, providing no clues about the surprise they had stored for them. He nodded and made his way upstairs, stopping outside Atsumu's room.

Knocking on the door a few times, Osamu received no response. Taking this as a sign, he cautiously opened the door and peered inside, only to find Atsumu still fast asleep. Clearly, his brother's body was still tired from their previous outing.

Sighing, Osamu approached the bed and gently removed the pillow from Atsumu's head. As he began straightening the disarray on the bed, he whispered, making sure to not raise any suspicion to their parents, "Tsumu, you need to get up."

Atsumu groaned, still facing away and determined to continue sleeping.

"Tsumu," Osamu said sternly, raising his voice slightly, his eyes fixed on his sleeping brother. "You do realize that Mom and Dad are already here, right?"

At the mention of their parents' presence, Atsumu shot up in bed, immediately alert. A pillow flew towards his face, greeted by his brother's mischievous smirk, as he pouted at the hit. "Why did you do that? I was already awake, Samu!" he quietly whined.

"Well, your annoying, sleepy face was just too tempting to resist, so I had to take my chance," Osamu shrugged, secretly relishing the moment.

Atsumu huffed, sitting upright and glancing at the time on his clock before directing his attention back to his brother.

Atsumu furrowed his brow and sat up on his bed, the pillow laying on his thighs as he groaned, "You're telling me Mom and Dad are already back? But it's too early! They weren't supposed to return for another two days!"

Osamu sighed and sat down next to Atsumu, explaining, "Their flight got canceled last minute, and the only available flights back to Japan were on Sunday. So, they decided to come home a bit earlier since they finished their work sooner than expected."

Feeling a mix of disappointment and confusion, Atsumu let out another long sigh and dropped back onto his bed, the pillow now muffling his voice as he grumbled, "Ugh, if I hadn't drank so much last night, maybe I wouldn't be so damn tired."

With a slightly irritated tone, Osamu responded, "Well, if someone didn't go overboard, then maybe they wouldn't be in this exhausted state. Seriously, I said to have fun but not too much fun."

Atsumu swiftly retorted from under the pillow, "Shut up!" In a fit of irritation, he grabbed a nearby pillow and launched it towards Osamu.

Just in time, Osamu managed to duck, narrowly avoiding being hit in the face.

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