33. Juicy Jelly Lips

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⇢˚⋆ Juicy Jelly Lips

⇢˚⋆ Juicy Jelly Lips𖥻barbieboy

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"Wow! Atsumu, your lips looks so scrumptious," Yachi exclaims, her eyes wide with admiration.

Kiyoko joins in, adding, "They look really pretty today, Atsumu. They remind me of those luscious, and juicy fat jelly lips that I've seen on social media recently." she complimented.

Kaiyo, with her arms casually draped around Atsumu's shoulder, chimes in, "You see, I knew those lips would look amazing on you!"

As they all share a cup of juice, she playfully adds, "I barely did any makeup on you though, just some a little on your lips and I gave you a touch of blush. It's all about that natural Asian glow you know what I'm saying? And it suits your skin perfectly."

She winks mischievously at him, prompting a giggle from Yachi while Kiyoko watches their interaction with pure amusement.

Feeling a mix of awkwardness and shyness, Atsumu musters a shy smile.

"This is actually my first time wearing makeup to a party," he admits sheepishly.

Kaiyo shakes her head affectionately.

"Oh, honey, you're looking stunning as always! It's just a subtle enhancement. Trust me, you look fantastic," she reassures him, her eyes sparkling with pride.

As Atsumu takes another deliberate sip from his cup, Kaiyo can't resist adding, "And you know what? The way you're rocking that makeup, it's like you've been doing it for ages. Confidence suits you, my dear."

Atsumu smiles widened as he looks at her, "you really think so?" he says like he can't believe it himself that he's wearing a little make-up.

Weren't they for girls only?

Kaiyo nods and so does Kiyoko and Yachi who admires his pretty face.

Suddenly, Atsumu's vision goes black as someone approaches him from behind. Their hands were covering his eyes as he let's out a confused sound.

"Hmm?" Atsumu says, "who's this?"

But Suna brings his index finger to his lips, telling the other girls to stay quiet as they gave him a thumbs up, giggling.

Atsumu scrunched up his nose, he wanted to know who was behind him before he turned around.

"How am I supposed to guess who's behind me if the person isn't speaking. Either tell me who you are now or forever hold your peace." Atsumu insisted.

Suna drew his lower lip between his teeth, finding it amusing how stubbornly demanding Atsumu is. But he has an idea so he's going to put it to use.

Suna leans in close to Atsumu's ear, his breath warming the side of his face.

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