23. Atsumu's Heart

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⇢˚⋆ Atsumu's Heart

⇢˚⋆ Atsumu's Heart𖥻wowthatsgoingtohurt

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Osamu stared at the game board in front of him, his brows furrowing in disappointment. He couldn't believe it - Suna had lost to him for the fifth time in a row. And this was not how he wanted to win against Suna. This wasn't even considered a fair match at all.

Frustration welled up inside of Osamu, and he finally decided to put an end to their GO game.

Setting the wooden stones aside, he turned to Suna, his tone laced with concern and a bit of frustration.

"Alright, Suna. I can't take it anymore. What's wrong with you? You've been off ever since we started playing."

Suna's gaze dropped to the floor, his usually calm demeanor shattered. He sighed heavily, his voice barely above a whisper.

"It's. . . it's complicated, Osamu."

Curiosity mingled with worry, Osamu leaned closer, his voice gentle when he realized how tough it must be for Suna right now considering the situation that they were all in.

"Talk to me, Suna. We're friends, right? You can tell me anything." he says. Then grabbing the trail mix from the bowl and plopping it into his mouth. He can't help it if he's hungry.

Suna looked up, his eyes filled with a mix of guilt and longing. "It's about Atsumu," he confessed, his voice betraying his coolness. "I like him. No scratch that, I love him.

Osamu was left speechless, his eyes widening and his mouth dropping open in surprise. A piece of trail mix slipped from his mouth, forgotten in the shock of the moment. He never saw this coming, although deep down, he had a hunch.

Suna always treated Atsumu ten times better than anyone else, but Osamu never imagined that Suna still had feelings for him after all this time. Thoughts raced through his mind, struggling to make sense of the situation. But before he could respond and mention his suspicion that Atsumu might like his friend Sakusa, Suna spoke again, his voice filled with resignation.

"Heh. Maybe I was just a little too late." Suna remarked, his laughter devoid of any genuine amusement. A hint of bitterness laced his words as he continued, "Sakusa confessed liking Atsumu to me. Did you know that? I know I can't compete with him he's so totally Atsumu's type whether he admits it or not."

Osamu responded, a wistful smile forming at the corner of his lips, as memories flooded his mind. He recalled how Atsumu used to share every detail with him, recounting the moments when Suna would carry him on his back like a piggyback ride after school.

It was endearing, even though Atsumu was undeniably lazy and a self-proclaimed pillow princess. They would often make pit stops at the convenience store, grabbing popsicle sticks and chips before heading home. Reflecting on those moments, Osamu couldn't help but realize how Suna had harbored feelings for his twin brother after all this time.

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