7: Forgive not Forget

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⇢˚⋆ Forgive not Forget

⇢˚⋆ Forgive not Forget 𖥻apologies

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Lost in a sea of swirling thoughts, Atsumu sat at his usual spot in the bustling cafeteria, his untouched lunch forgotten before him.

The cacophony of voices and clattering cutlery around him served as background noise to the storm raging within his mind. He craved solitude, an escape from the weight of his own thoughts, and was grateful that his friends had respected his unspoken need for space.

Yet, it appeared that one person hadn't received the memo.

Midway through his internal musings, Atsumu felt a tap on his shoulder—a jarring interruption that shattered the fragile fragments of his concentration.

Annoyance flickered across his face as he turned around, expecting to find yet another classmate vying for his attention or an acquaintance with a favor to ask.

But to his surprise and confusion, there stood Suna, a familiar figure with an uncharacteristic hint of nervousness in his eyes.

"Mind if I join you?" Suna asked tentatively, his voice seemingly searching for approval.

For a moment, Atsumu hesitated. He had craved solitude, a sanctuary from the events that had transpired, but as he locked eyes with his best friend, any lingering anger he held towards him dissipated.

In that vulnerable gaze, Atsumu saw a reflection of his own silent remorse. How could he deny the one person who had stood beside him through thick and thin, offering unwavering support even in their darkest moments?

So, with a softened expression, Atsumu nodded, silently granting permission as Suna took a seat in front of him.

The air between them felt heavy with unsaid words and unresolved emotions, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere that was only further heightened by their shared attention to their respective lunches.

Minutes passed in uneasy silence, the clinking of cutlery resonating in the space between them.

Atsumu could feel Suna's eyes silently assessing him, the weight of his friend's unspoken enquiry hanging palpably in the air.

The tension was too great to bear, the invisible walls growing taller with each passing second.

Breaking through the heaviness, Suna took a deep breath—a tangible symbol of his struggle to find the right words.

"Hey, Tsumu," he began hesitantly, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I wanted to talk to you about what happened on Wednesday. I know things got out of hand, and I understand that saying sorry won't undo the pain we caused. But I wanted to tell you that I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. If there's any way I can make it up to you, please let me know."

Atsumu looked up from his half-eaten lunch, his expression inscrutable.

He could sense the genuine remorse in Suna's voice, the weight of their shared mistakes hanging heavily in the air. While forgiveness seemed distant, his heart yearned for resolution, a path forward from the chaos that threatened to consume their friendship.

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