14. A Playful Tug of Fate

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⇢˚⋆ A Playful Tug of Fate

⇢˚⋆ A Playful Tug of Fate 𖥻dogtoys

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As Atsumu eagerly explored the vast selection of dog toys, his attention was momentarily diverted by the melodious chime of the bell, announcing the arrival of a new customer.

Determined to find the perfect toy for his dear Shiro-san, he chose to dismiss the newcomer, immersing himself once again in the search for the ultimate canine delight.

Fate seemed intent on testing Atsumu's patience when a familiar and distinct deep voice invaded the air, sending a chill down his spine.

The mere sound of it ignited a flurry of negative emotions within him, a potent mix of resentment and loathing. Atsumu couldn't help but wonder why, of all places, Sakusa had to venture into the same shop he had sought refuge in.

Caught in the midst of his thoughts, Atsumu unconsciously bit down on his bottom lip, a manifestation of the frustration that welled up inside him.

Oblivious to his surroundings, he didn't hear the owner guiding Sakusa to the section of toys, coincidentally the very aisle that Atsumu had momentarily left vacant for himself only.

Sighing in exasperation, he inwardly cursed his luck and decided to play it off as though he hadn't noticed Sakusa's presence.

But, as luck would have it, just when Atsumu thought he could quietly navigate through the aisles unnoticed, Sakusa's voice broke through the silence.

Tension gripped Atsumu's heart as he realized that his attempt to evade any interaction with his detested acquaintance had been futile.

The situation seemed destined to test his composure and restraint.

"If I didn't know you hated me, I would've thought you were following me," Sakusa remarked nonchalantly, his words slicing through the tense air, laced with a subtle hint of amusement.

"You are not following me are you?" he adds turning to look at Atsumu.

Atsumu's head snapped towards Sakusa, a mixture of surprise and irritation evident in his eyes, his breath hitching for a moment when his eyes meets Sakusa before he retorts, "Who said I was following you? I just happened to be leaving."

As Atsumu turned to leave, his resolve to distance himself from Sakusa seemed resolute.

But just as he took his first step, his wrist was unexpectedly seized by Sakusa's firm grip.

The sudden touch forced Atsumu to freeze in his tracks, his face contorting with a blend of curiosity and annoyance. He stared intently at Sakusa, silently questioning the audacity of the action.

"No. Don't you go just because I'm here," Sakusa urged, his voice containing a touch of sincerity that caught Atsumu off guard.

"It looks like you were looking for something too, so why leave just because of someone?"

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