30. Love & War

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⇢˚⋆ Love & War

⇢˚⋆ Love & War𖥻healing

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Sakusa trudged through practice, his heart heavy with deep emotions.

His teammates failed to comprehend the depths of his anguish today. Some speculated that he had a fight with Suna "again", while others dismissed it as one of those inexplicable bad days. Regardless, everyone knew better than to disturb or irritate Sakusa, even their coach knew better.

As practice finally ended, a young boy with streaks of purple in his hair approached Sakusa nervously.

The entire team's gaze turned remorseful, anticipating a volatile reaction. The boy tentatively tapped Sakusa's shoulder, bracing himself for a yell or an outburst. But none came.

"What do you want, Niko?"

Sakusa sighed, his bag already slung over his shoulder, ready to leave and go home.

"T-there's someone waiting for you by your car again. He . . . He looks like the same guy from last time!" Niko stammered, pointing towards the blonde individual standing near Sakusa's car.

Sakusa shifted his gaze towards his car, his breath hitching for a moment as he spotted the boy he was deeply in love with.

However, the rush of affection was quickly replaced by the pain and anger that accompanied the memories of Atsumu's call with his own cousin.

Sakusa thanked the younger boy for the heads-up and began walking towards his car.

Unlocking his car, Sakusa flung his bag into the passenger seat. Just as he was about to get in, Atsumu stepped forward, blocking his path, and staring at him with a soft expression.

"Omi," Atsumu called out, but Sakusa continued to ignore him, refusing to acknowledge his presence.

"Please, Omi . . . ."

"I'm in a hurry. Will you please move out of my way so I can get inside my car?" Sakusa responded coldly.

Atsumu shook his head, determined.

"No. I'm not letting you go until you tell me what's wrong, Omi."

Sakusa looks away, staring off at his teammates packing up, while Atsumu looked at him, hurt evident in his eyes.

"Why won't you talk to me, Omi?" Atsumu whispered, taking another step closer to Sakusa, who still refused to meet his gaze or utter a single word to him.

"Look at me, Omi, please. If you can't tell me how you're feeling, then how am I supposed to know what to do?" Atsumu pleaded, his voice filled with desperation.

Sakusa's own heart ached upon witnessing Atsumu's desperate struggle to hold back tears, but his own pain was too raw to utter a word without lashing out on him. After all, hadn't he shown mercy to Atsumu? He was truly vulnerable to him and it hurt him to find out that Atsumu took advantage of him. How could he?

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