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"I can't believe you almost cursed!" Ryujin and Yena laugh while I'm unbothered and just enjoy my lunch.

"I know right!" Yena hit me on the shoulders and Ryujin did the same because I'm sitting between them, I swear if they hit me again I will choke them to death.

"Oh my gosh Hari, you were almost in trou-"

"Thank you for the sushi."

"Yah! Ryujin that's mine!"

And they started bickering again, after shoving a last full spoon of fried rice, I stand up and left them there. I'm not going to attend the last two classes, history and math are boring anyways. I'll just go to the rooftop, and I hope no one will go there and disturb me.

While walking through the hallways on my way to the staircase, which leads to the rooftop I walk past the student council office. And I heard someone talking inside making me curious, so I just eves drop them so they won't catch me anyway. I think.


"Love at first sight."

That word stuck in my mind after a little talk with my sister. And other more words that she said keep replying inside.


"Love at first sight."

"You like her or maybe you are in love with her."

"Minji you're in love with her."

"Even if you deny it."

"I can't have feelings for her," I whisper and the good thing is no one is here, Hanni and the others are still eating their lunch.

"Minji you are not in lo-" Before I can finish my sentence, I heard a sneeze outside causing me to flinch. I quickly open the door and no one was there, but I saw Hanni walking on her way here.

"Oh hi, Minji." She greeted and I just smiled at her.

Throughout the class, I'm not paying attention, because some things are stuck in my mind especially what happened earlier.

"I wonder who was that person."

"Please I hope it was not the person I'm thinking."

"Please plea-"

"Hey, you okay?" Ryujin who is my seatmate asked, we're kinda close same as Yena. "Yeah." I simply answered with a small smile, she nodded and pay attention to the teacher who is teaching our new lesson.

I silently sigh and run my hand through my hair, I look at my notebook and not a single word is written on it. After history class the teacher left and we have to wait for the last teacher to come.

"Minji you can copy my notes here." Ryujin smiled warmly handing me her notebook, I smiled at her and grab it. "I know you are stressed because of the president's duties you have." She added but only she know that is not about the president's duties and why I'm like this, it was because of her best friend Hari.

"Thanks, Ryujin I will treat you ice cream after school."


Feeling the cold wind touch my skin, I sit on the ground while looking at the sky.

"I can't have feelings for her." I wonder who said that.

While looking at the sky I heard a crashing sound, I stand up and look down and saw two cars crash into each other.

"Aish people." I look at the two men fighting and shouting at each other. I grab my phone and called Yena.

"What do you want dummy I want to go home."

"Get my bag and go to the rooftop, hurry up." I heard her groan but I know she will listen she doesn't have any choice anyway, I ended the call, and I watch the two men fighting and shouting bad words at each other, it was entertaining for me.


I groan this girl is so bossy, I wanted to go home. I look at her desk and her bag, I grab it and I saw Minji and Ryujin walking by outside the classroom. I ran to them and back hug them both, causing them to be startled.

"Hi, Yena what do you need?" Minji asked me making me smile widely, I handed her Hari's bag her and Ryujin look at me confused. "Can you give this to Hari I need to go."

"How about Ryujin do it" We both look at her but when we did she wasn't there anymore.

"Bye, guys!" She ran outside the school waving at us, I look at Minji beggingly she let out a sigh because of it. "Fine."

"Thank you Minji! She's on the rooftop." I happily said and run away before she change her mind.


Earlier was windy and a little bit cold, and now it's so sunny and hot. I'm so sweaty.

I look at the black hoodie I'm wearing, and I decided to take it off, but that didn't change how hot I'm feeling. I look at my blouse, thinking I should take it off.

I always wear something underneath, so I took off my necktie and unbutton my blouse, I take it off. Good thing I'm wearing a sleeveless black crop top.

I heard the door open so I turn around, but instead of seeing Yena, I saw Minji.


I open the door and entered the rooftop, and there I saw Hari.....Wearing a crop top. And damn...

We look at each other, and slowly I can feel myself blushing.

"U-umm.....Yena is in a hurry so she asked me if I can hand this to you." I handed her the bag and she grab it and mouthed a simple thank you, and my eyes traveled to her stomach. And my eyes widened because of what I saw.

"Wait she have 6 pack abs, and she has an hour glass body!?"


"Minji calm down."

I can feel my cheeks heating up I'm blushing even more, so I quickly leave before I can think of something that I don't mean.

I didn't realize that I was holding my breath, damn.....


"Minji thank yo-"

I turn around and she was gone, maybe she was busy and need to do something. Like president duties or something, I put my hoodie blouse, and necktie inside my bag. And leave the rooftop.

School just ended so some students are still inside the school. I can feel so many stares at me, and I can hear whispers too.

"Omg is that Hari?"

"Yeah, I didn't know that she looks hot."

"You're right."

I scoff and saw my enemies looking at me eyes widened.

While walking I saw Chaewon walking in the opposite direction, and her eyes traveled down my stomach.

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