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"Are you okay?" Yena asked as she sat beside you, who is just looking out of nowhere lost in your thoughts. Ryujin scoffs and looks at Yena angrily before saying something.

"Does she look okay? After Kazuha breaks up with her?"

"Okay okay sorry."

You stand but Yena and Ryujin stop you, Yena held your wrist and Ryujin blocked your way. Causing you to sigh. "Talk to us about your problem." Ryuji said and Yena nodded agreeing to what she said, you sigh once again before sitting back on the sofa.

"I already told you two we break up." The way you said it was like you're not even bothered about that like you're not hurt at all. But deep inside  you just don't want them to worry, because you thought that you'll be a burden. Even tho you're not.

"If you're thinking you'll be just a burden when you tell us well you're not." Yena said looking at you worriedly same as Ryujin.

It's like Yena read your mind.

"Am I not good enough?" You asked hanging your head low, your hair covering your face. 

"What do you mean?" Ryujin asked your vision getting blurry because of the tears inside that you don't want to let out.

"Am I not good enough?" You once again asked, the two look at you so worried.

"You're good enough." Ryujin said sweetly, it's like the way Kazuha said that to you.

"More than enough." Yena added.

"Than why?" You look at the two.

Their face softens because they can see in your eyes the pain you're feeling, the way your eyes are even more sparkling because of the tears inside. They know that you're trying to stop yourself from crying.

"I was a good partner right?" You asked shakingly.

"I treat her great, I was there for her-" You stop for a sec before finishing your sentence.

You slowly smile but not a normal and happy one, a weakly hurt one.

Making Yena and Ryujin sad.

"But why does she need to hurt me?" Now a tear drops from your eyes, one by one so fast. It's like you've been keeping them for an hour.

"Don't be sad ummm just be happy."

You look at Yena blankly making the girl confuse.

"I will never be happy."

"Why not just try-"

"I tried!" I shouted causing the two to flinch and look at you shockingly.

I really tried.....

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