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"What's wrong Hari?" Chaewon asked looking worried, Hari turned around for a bit her back facing Chaewon wiping her tears that were falling. Without thinking she suddenly dragged Chaewon away, but it's a good thing it would be awkward anyway if she left her there with Kazuha after disturbing their conversation. Chaewon stood there watching as Hari wiped her tears, Chaewon let out a sigh, and out of nowhere, she hugged her making Hari off guard.

"Don't be sad." Chaewon said in her small voice, Chaewon's hands were wrapped all around Hari's waist. and she could feel her tiny waist and her abs, Hari stood their shock because of what Chaewon had done. "It's okay, just cry there's nothing wrong with that." Chaewon said and it made Hari feel like she wanted to cry, but she felt that if she cried she would look weak so she tried her best to hold her tears, as she had always done for years.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked and Hari still stood quiet, Chaewon sighed and pulled the hug. "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it, but remember you can't always keep everything inside." She added

"Come on Ryujin forgive her." Yena begged the girl, now Yena and Ryujin were walking on their way home since they were neighbors. Ryujin looks at the begging girl with a frown on her face. "I already said that I will forgive her tomorrow." She said annoyingly because of Yena who kept shaking her arm, Yena smiled at her widely like a sun causing Ryujin to chuckle.

"Oh, this is my stop bye Ryujinie!" Yena said calling Ryujin by her nickname, Ryujin waved at her and the silly girl entered her home, Ryujin sighed and walked straight to her house to rest for tomorrow.

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