Extra: Arcade

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~Just a little extra chapter of Danny befriending Chifuyu and Baji:3~

It had been a couple of days since Danny had joined Toman and she had been jogging like she did every day now. At this point, she was about halfway done with the usual route that went for about 5 kilometers and was grumbling to herself. Some of the other members of Division 1 had been doing typical teenage boy stuff, which annoyed the hell out of her. She should've expected them to pick on the new member, but the thought slipped her mind. But, instead of forcefully shutting them up like she wanted to, she had been going on more frequent runs. As she continued grumbling to herself, a motorcycle slowed next to her. The engine wasn't one she recognized the sound of, so she shot a quick glare at it.

A boy with a blonde undercut and green eyes wearing Toman's uniform sat on the bike as he drove slowly. "Oi, you're the new guy, Danny, right?"

She stopped, a new wave of annoyance washing over her as the other came to a stop. "If you're gonna ask me to get you a drink, fuck off," she slightly snapped as she had the back of her right hand on her hip. She was sick and tired of guys trying to use her as a lapdog. If this had been past her, she would've absolutely decked them by now.

"Hah?!" he exclaimed as a vein slightly popped on his head. He stayed on the bike but still hadn't shut it off yet. "I'm not that freakin' petty. The captain wants to see you."

She raised a brow. Baji wanted to see her? Why? She hadn't punched anyone's lights out yet.

"And for future references, I'm the Vice Captain, Chifuyu Matsuno," he introduced himself, the previous annoyance on his face slowly disappearing.

She let out a small sigh, putting her hands partially in her pockets as she walked over. "Sorry, some of the guys pissed me off."

"Figures," he lightly chuckled as a half grin formed on his face. "They'll quit once you prove yourself. Hop on." He tilted his head slightly, motioning to the back of the bike.

They didn't see me fighting against Mobius? she mentally grumbled as she got on the back of the bike, using the back of the seat for support. It wasn't a habit of hers to really touch someone she had just met.

"They're probably sore that Mikey invited you himself," he said as he started driving.

She nodded slightly. "Yeah, fair enough. They better not catch me in a bad mood though," she said with a chuckle as they turned.

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"My pride tends to win over more often than not."

He let out a laugh.

"What?" She raised a questioning brow.

"You just remind me of myself."

"Oh, really?" She chuckled with a bit of a smirk. "And how does this newbie remind the Vice of himself?"

"Back before I joined Toman, I constantly got into fights. If anyone annoyed me, I'd lay them flat on their ass. Hell, they didn't even have to say anything if I was in a bad mood."

It was her turn to laugh now. "Holy shit, we could've been twins!"

They chatted some more as Chifuyu continued to drive. By the time they came to a stop in front of an arcade, Danny decided he was alright. And, funnily enough, they were the same age and even had some similar interests. After dismounting the bike they went into the building, jabbing their elbows at each other, just typical teenage things.

"Oi, you kids having fun?" They froze for a moment, seeing Baji with a raised brow and a bit of a grin that showed his sharp canines.

Danny quickly gave Chifuyu one last jab in the side before almost sprinting to the table. "Ha! I win!" she exclaimed in victory as she got in the chair across from Baji, almost falling from the extra momentum as she did.

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now