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The days went by and it was finally Christmas Eve, just one more day until the big fight. With that being the case, the three agreed to meet one last time before everything went down. But, Takemichi still hadn't shown. 

A loud sigh left Chifuyu's mouth once the ten-minute mark came, making Danny chuckle a bit. "Wanna go ahead and get dinner?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm a little too hungry to wait much longer."

With that, the two went in and ordered their food as they sat across one another. As they ate, they chatted about different things. Before coming to the topic of dating.

"And, you know, when I said I wanted to go out to dinner with a chick, this isn't what I meant," Chifuyu said with a chuckle.

"Aww, and here I was, thinking that this was such a lovely date," Danny joked with a grin.

"Haha, no thanks. I like you and all, but you're more of a gorilla than a chick."

"Damn right." She proudly laughed.

"Hm. I'm curious..." he trailed off as he brought his hand up to his chin, making Danny motion for him to continue. "Are you like forever single, or do you actually end up hooking up with someone?"

A blush spread across her face before she quickly lowered her head, hiding her face behind a hand and her dark locks. "Damnit, I was just starting to forget..." she groaned.

The blonde's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped in surprise. "Holy shit. Who is it? Come on, I gotta know," he excitedly asked with a grin. 

She grumbled a bit before looking at him. "I haven't even told Take, so you have to swear that you won't tell anyone. Ever."

"Promise. If I tell someone, you can punch me as hard as you want. Deal?" He excitedly held his hand out.

She glowered at it before letting out a sigh and shaking it. "Fine, deal. But I swear to every God there is, if you tell a single soul, I'll rip out your pancreas."

"Okay, okay." He chuckled as he took back his hand. "So?"

"It's... Baji," she muttered, feeling her face redden once again as the little moments from their last time leap came to mind once again. To think that she, who shamelessly gushed about boys most of her life, got flustered over such small actions, baffled her. She was fine when it came to flirting to get what she wanted, but when there were actual genuine feelings behind it, she turned into a flustered mess. It felt weird.

Chifuyu barely caught what she said, but he stared at her in absolute surprise once it clicked about what she said. "No way... Baji's definitely gotten a few confessions before, but he's never actually had any interest in anyone... then again, this is you we're talking about."

"Eh?" She looked up at him with a questioning expression, the previous embarrassment completely gone. "What do you mean by that?"


"Sorry, I'm late," Takemichi said, surprising the two and cutting their conversation short.

"Jeez, Takemitchy, what's up with your face?" Chifuyu asked once he saw the other blonde's swollen red eyes.

"Alright, let's get down to business," Danny said once Takemichi sat down next to Chifuyu. "If Hakkai's gonna do this, it has to be tomorrow that it happens. Chifuyu and I will be waiting outside of the chapel for Taiju while, you, Take, go inside and try to talk Hakkai out of it. You're closer to him than me, so you're the one that has to do it." He nodded at that. "But, there's still the chance that Koko's info was a load of crap and he won't be there alone," she added with a sigh.

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now