Chapter 2

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Throughout their meeting Eleazar observed the girl. From what he could tell she appeared to be forcing herself to remain reserved. Perhaps it was simply his many years teaching children but he thought he could detect a hidden passion beneath the calm facade. The excitement in her face at the site of magic had been proof enough.

That said she also seemed to be a rather self-depreciating child. The way she called herself an oddball sounded more like she was repeating something she'd been told time and again. Not a pleasant thought in Eleazar's mind.

And then he had seen the burns. And that. That had suddenly enraged him. He had quickly tried to hide it for fear of frightening Genevieve but in that moment, he knew he needed to get her out of there. The poor girl was being practically tortured for something she couldn't control and he wouldn't put it past the authority figures here to come up with more punishments for her.

Oh, he could help her each day he came to pick her up to study but why should she suffer? A child was a gift and these so-called guardians were destroying it. So, in perhaps what was least thought-out decision of his life Eleazar told the girl to get her things so she could stay with him.

Now he just needed to convince Mathilda to help him facilitate it.


"You what?" said Mattie looking at him as if he'd gone quite mad.

"I told her she could come stay with me. It's more practical anyway but beside the point the girl needs to get out of there NOW."

"Is it truly so dire?" asked the red head.

"They burnt her hands, Mattie. If that doesn't count as dire, I don't know what does. I just need your help getting the paperwork for temporary guardianship over the Summer done."

"Are you sure you've thought this through Eleazar? I don't disagree the girl needs to be helped but staying with you. It's only been a couple months..."

"Miriam would never have stood for this any more than I will," said Fig cutting her off. "This is the most certain I've been about anything since Miriam died Mattie." Professor Weasley gazed at him.

"You realize you will be TOTALLY responsible for the girl till she comes to Hogwarts, correct?"

"I do," said Fig firmly.

"Very well. I'll get the paperwork and owl it to you." Fig smiled at her.

"Thank you."


By the time he got back to the orphanage he found his new charge waiting for him a small trunk in hand.

"Is that everything?" he asked her and Genevieve nodded.

"Good then I'll just have a final word with..." before he could finish his sentence the Mother Superior came storming up.

"Now listen here Professor. You really have no right to take this girl."

"My dear lady, I'm not taking her so to speak merely removing her from your charge for a while. And anyway, was it not you who complained about her so? Surely you would prefer to have such a troublesome..." he shot a side wink at Genevieve to show her he wasn't serious, "child from your care. Less work for you, no more strange accidents."

The Mother Superior looked torn but at last glared at Genevieve.

"Very well. On your own head be it Professor. She's your problem for now."

"Splendid," said Fig with a bow. The two stepped out onto the front stoop and the door was slammed firmly behind them.

"I'm not sure she was particularly fond of me," he said dryly.

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