Chapter 15

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Genevieve was frustrated to say the least. Black stymying their progress was profoundly irritating. In the meantime she had Astronomy for the first time that night which seemed like a double edged sword. The subject was largely unfamiliar so she was interested to learn but it also took place at midnight.

She was eating dinner when a voice behind her made her jump.

"There's my favorite fifth year," she turned to see Evelyn slide onto the bench next to her.


"Don't just hello me. I heard you completely trounced a certain Gryffindor today!"

"Prewett challenged me and well...lost." Said Genevieve modestly.

"Oh I wish I'd been there to see the look on his face. I had Natty Onai describe it rather vividly."

"I admit I was a tad worried when he started using fire spells," said Genevieve. Evelyn's eyes narrowed.

"That's against the rules. No wonder someone hit him with a leg locker in the corridor this afternoon."

"Sebastian did mention something like that," said Genevieve.

"Ugg now I'm going to have to be grateful to Sallow. I didn't realize he was behind it. Though I'd have gone for something a tad sharper."

"I hope he doesn't get in trouble for that," said Genevieve. Evelyn shrugged.

"As long as he wasn't caught which it doesn't look like he was." Relieved for Sebastian's sake Genevieve changed the subject.

"So. Astronomy tonight." Evelyn groaned.

"Ugg. Stars are pretty but I prefer sleep. Prefect patrol already cuts into that."

"And we're expected to be up for early classes the following morning?"

"Yep," said Evelyn popping the P as she ate mashed potatoes.

"At least it will be interesting to learn," said Genevieve.

"Fair enough. Just be sure you dress warmly. It's colder than Blacks heart up on that tower." Evelyn paused and her silver eyes scanned Genevieve with concern.

"Is something wrong? You seem a bit tense." Genevieve sighed she couldn't tell Evelyn everything, but she could give her the bare minimum details.

"I was going to do something with Professor Fig but it got interrupted by Black who called Fig away and said thing has been postponed indefinitely."

"Black really is the biggest prat of a headmaster Hogwarts has ever had. You know everyone knows it's actually Professor Weasley that keeps this place running. I'm sorry he messed up your time with Uncle El." Evelyn told her placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Thank you. It seems everyone agrees Black is a pain, but nobody can do anything about it."

"Well, it might interest you to know that the other teachers tend to shall we say...look the other way regarding any mishaps that might befall Black," said Evelyn with a grin.

"You are joking?" said Genevieve although now she thought about it she wasn't totally surprised she remembered Hecat's distain.

"Everett once hit Black with jelly legs jinx from behind just as Hecat rounded the corner. There's no way she could have missed him but he miraculously got off scott-free." Said Evelyn with glee. "I promise to fill you in the next time anything is planned."

"You are the most irresponsible prefect I've ever met," said Genevieve.

"I didn't ask for the badge," snickered Evelyn.

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