Chapter 30

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After working a little while longer on her ancient magic Genevieve, Dinah and Eleazar had discussed the matter of the Keepers. Surprisingly it was Genevieve who pushed hardest for them to bother Rookwood about his trial, despite the fact it would mean her going in alone again.

Granted they'd made a few improvements but her timing on calling her magic was still slower than preferable. Dinah could see Eleazar wanted nothing more than to refuse but the unfortunate fact of the matter was they were running low on time.

And so, it was the second to last day of January, when they once again approached the Keepers. Genevieve was meant to meet them outside the Map Room but appeared to have been delayed so the two teachers decided to go in on their own. Who knew perhaps a conversation Professor to Professor would yield some results?

"Professor Fig, Professor Hecat," said Rackham as they entered.

"Good day to you," said Eleazar and Dinah inclined her head in greeting. Eleazar was normally the better diplomat. "We've come to see about the trials."

"Yes, the goblin problem is increasing steadily and we don't have any more time to dawdle." Added Dinah.

"We have discussed it and both agree the problem of Ranrok is concerning," said Rackham.

Not so concerning you are willing to help the girl learn to make her magic useful. Thought Dinah suddenly thinking that Miriam probably would have had a field day with this lot.

"Then you understand why we must continue," urged Fig.

"What you must understand is that we guard great knowledge and so must be exceptionally careful with determining if Miss Smith has the strength of character as well as magical talent," said Rookwood.

"Well, you are hardly giving her the opportunity to prove that to you by putting off the trials," said Hecat.

"In between the trials we evaluate the student and our thoughts on them before deciding to continue," said Rackham.

"You greatly underestimate Miss Smith then if you believe her to be unworthy. She's already faced many of your challenges despite her situation and instead of running after all that, is willing to return. I've been teaching for a long time and I've never met a student with such strength of character. And that's setting aside her aptitude for magic which is beyond anything I've seen."

Dinah tried to hold back the smirk that threatened to spread across her face as Eleazar defended his protégé. Diplomatic sure. But Merlin knows you insult or doubt that child and he'd be the first to jump to her defense.


Genevieve had been told after Friday's Magical Theory class that she was to meet her mentors outside the Map chamber and didn't think getting to said room would be any trouble. At least not until she was intercepted by Professor Black.

"You!" he called and she halted.

"Professor Black."

"Miss Smith, are you aware of how much trouble you've been causing this school?" Genevieve resisted the instinct to shrink back.

"No sir, it's not intentional."

"Dragons, trolls, goblins, not to mention the extra time of the teachers." Genevieve chose not to point out Black used Professor Fig as his personal errand boy which took up the teacher's time.

"I'm sorry I..."

"Professor!" Genevieve looked to see Natty.

"Miss Onassy," said Black and Genevieve nearly rolled her eyes.

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