Chapter 17

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Genevieve was feeling a little better after her talk with Professor Fig. However, it could not entirely get rid of her fear not to mention the immense annoyance she was feeling towards Professor Black. She really wanted to get back at him somehow but didn't have a clue how to facilitate that without getting into a heap of trouble.

The following morning, she had a well-deserved lie in, before finally getting up and making her way down to breakfast. She was now getting better at navigating the castle without someone by her side. Though that was mostly due to the assistance of the field guide. She'd have been entirely turned around if it weren't for the book.

She'd just finished breakfast when someone tapped her on the shoulder and she turned to see a very excited looking Poppy. Genevieve was then reminded she'd promised to meet up with Poppy.

"Ready to go?" asked Poppy and Genevieve smiled slightly nervously.

"Yes." They left the Great Hall and headed outside.

"So how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" asked Poppy.

"It's wonderful, I think the only think I don't like is flying class. Almost everyone has been so kind here."

"I'm glad. My Gran always called Hogwarts the best place in the world. I think she's right for the most part." Said Poppy.

"Do you live with your Grandmother?" asked Genevieve politely having noticed the girl never spoke of parents only her grandmother.

"Yes, she's amazing. Loves animals just like me. Always researching and rescuing them. We've had some wonderful holidays. What about you? What do your parents do?"

"I grew up in an orphanage." She said quietly. Poppy gasped.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright," said Genevieve who felt no offense it wasn't like Poppy could have known. That said it was strange being the person that was being apologized to even if it was unnecessary. "I don't have any memory of them so it's not like I can really miss them." And she certainly didn't miss the nuns, though she wisely decided against mentioning this last bit.

"Still, that must have been lonely," said Poppy.

"It was," said Genevieve then to change the subject she said. "So you really love magical beasts?"

"Well any beast really. They're much easier to read than people. They lack any ulterior motive and they can honestly be a lot nicer." The Hufflepuff's voice became slightly smaller.

"I know what you mean," said Genevieve softly as they approached the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

"I've actually never taken anyone here before to show them this," said Poppy.

"Not even your other housemates like Adelaide?" asked Genevieve in surprise. Hufflepuffs she assumed would be the most welcoming lot, however Poppy shook her head.

"No, they're nice and all but I don't think they'd quite understand. You and me we seem to be of a like mind I think." Genevieve thought back, remembering overhearing Leander and his cronies calling Poppy peculiar. Not to mention her comment about animals being nicer than people. She might be making assumptions, but it seemed like the Hufflepuff might not have too many (human) friends.

"In that case I'm honored," Genevieve said.

They stopped in a grassy clearing and Poppy held out her hand.

"Stay back." The brunette then gave a high whistle, and after a moment a white shape could be seen in the sky. As it circled lower and lower Genevieve realized in astonishment that it was a hippogriff.

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