Chapter 6

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Genevieve huffed a sigh for the fourth time. She'd been working on trying to transfigure the mouse into a goblet for an hour. It seemed while defensive spells came quite easily Transfiguration was turning out to be something of an Achilles heel.

She tugged absentmindedly at the hairpins that held her hair back in it's restricting form. It wasn't particularly comfortable but it was simply her habit. Normally she could ignore it but her frustration with her work was making the feeling all the more irritating.

"I don't understand I'm following the instructions performing the incantation why isn't it working?" she groaned and buried her head in her arms. She felt a hand on her shoulder and grudgingly looked up into the kindly face of her mentor who to her relief did not appear utterly disappointed in her.

"Not everything comes as easily to each person. Setting aside the fact that you are already starting a little behind, it's natural for every witch and wizard to have some strengths and weaknesses."

"Yes, but how am I supposed to perform well in class in fifth year if I can't manage a third-year spell?"

"You're still learning. Surely you don't imagine everyone gets the spells right on their first go?" Professor Fig told her calmly.

"I can't imagine you having much trouble with this," sighed Genevieve. At this Professor Fig scoffed.

"I didn't manage to turn a matchstick into a needle till my third lesson. Which was notably behind most others. I picked up and got better with time, but I certainly wasn't perfect. I doubt even Merlin managed every spell he put his mind to on a first attempt."

"You know sometimes I wonder if you just tell me those stories to make me feel better." Genevieve found it difficult to imagine her professor struggling with magic.

"I assure you it is entirely true, just ask Professor Weasley, she was a couple years below me but witnessed more than a few of my mistakes." Genevieve gave a small nod but still felt discouraged.

"You're feeling frustrated right now which is no state to achieve anything in. Why don't we take a break from that and move onto something else for a while? Come back with a fresh mind?" suggested Professor Fig.

"Alright," said Genevieve. She hated to concede defeat but figured he was probably right.

They shifted focus over to Potions which was a perfect way to take her thoughts off Transfiguration as Potions required razor sharp focus. She'd spent the first week studying it going over how to identifying various ingredients and the different ways they would react before they even tried to brew something.

Genevieve honestly found it to be one of the more interesting subjects and enjoyed the challenge. If one had to be meticulous it was only because it was also a rather dangerous subject. Everything needed to be timed and done in the proper order.

Soon all her frustration over Transfiguration had been forgotten in lieu of focusing on how to brew a calming draught.

"I'm afraid Professor Sharp and Nurse Bailey have to produce this by the cauldron load during exam season." Said Professor Fig conversationally as she added some syrup of hellebore.

"I can see how it would be useful," said Genevieve, dearly hoping she wouldn't be driven to needing the potion.

Her potion ended up more or less as it should have. It wasn't the perfect consistency described in the book but at the very least it was the correct color and didn't just resemble colored water.

"It seems we're on schedule as far as potions are concerned commented Professor Fig lightly as he examined her work.

"I suppose that's promising at least," said Genevieve relieved she wasn't completely behind.

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