Chapter 21

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Ominis and Genevieve met outside the Great Hall after dinner on Sunday night well stocked on wiggenwelds from her Room. Genevieve pursed her lips.

"I left Evelyn a letter with information about our location. If we aren't back by tomorrow morning, she's supposed to bring it to the teachers." Genevieve didn't think this was exactly sanctioned so had held off warning Professor Fig beforehand but was not going to just disappear into some secret tunnel without leaving a trace of her whereabouts if things went sideways.

"A wise choice," said Ominis. "Mind you I'm sure most of my family would be rather thrilled about my disappearance if it weren't for the potential scandal."

"Your Aunt would miss you. I'd say I would except we're both going into this together." Said Genevieve.

"And I find myself selfishly grateful." Replied Ominis. "You can still back out you know?"

"Not a chance." Said Genevieve as they descended to the dungeons. She shivered.

"Blimey your common room must be freezing especially in the winter." Ominis chuckled.

"We have warming charms and from what I hear the view of the lake is quite spectacular."

"That's actually rather brilliant." Said Genevieve.

"Anne came up with the tradition of tricking first years into thinking mermaids swim past. They'll stand by the window for hours. It's rather amusing."

"Anne really was a troublemaker, wasn't she?" said Genevieve with a smile. "I can just imagine the three of you running around giving the teacher's hell."

"I'll have you know it was largely Sebastian and Anne running around and me trying to get them out of the trouble they caused," said Ominis in a mock offended tone.

"Oh, so that's why they called you the mother hen of the group," giggled Genevieve and Ominis huffed indignantly.

"Well, I do seem to have an unfortunate habit of befriending the most reckless people."

"I am not reckless," replied Genevieve and Ominis gave a disbelieving snort. The went down a final flight of steps past a bare stretch of wall and down a corridor where they found Sebastian waiting. He smiled.

"You came!"

"Of course, we did we weren't going to let you get into danger on your own you nitwit," scoffed Ominis.

"Whatever the reason I'm glad that you came," replied Sebastian and Genevieve could hear genuine gratitude in his tone.

"I just hope we won't come to regret it," said Genevieve.

"No need to get gloomy yet," said Sebastian. "Now from what I read these," he gestured to three tall braziers nearby, "grant access. I figure we need to light them all at once. Shall we each take a brazier?"

"I suppose here we go," she heard Ominis mutter as they each placed themselves in front of one of the braziers. It wasn't like one person couldn't do them all at once.

"On three," said Sebastian. "One, two, three!"

"Confringo!" the three of them shouted and the braziers were lit. Inside Genevieve hoped that nothing would happen but unfortunately whatever deity was out there seemed determined to ignore her because there was a rumbling sound and a door appeared swinging open.

"I hope you are having second thoughts," said Ominis.

"Second and third," said Genevieve. But Sebastian shook his head.

"No point stopping now," he paused. "Well, I'm going in but I know you two would rather not if you want to back out, I won't be angry."

"No Sebastian we're coming," said Genevieve despite the fact that the door was making her want to head in the opposite direction.

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