Chapter 33

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Genevieve stopped by Fig's office after Magical Theory as had become a bit of a habit. Their chats were brief but pleasant often pertaining to their current quest but not always.

"Any news on how to get into Black's office yet?" she asked. Professor Fig looked slightly grumpy.

"Unfortunately, not. Nor any news from the Keepers. But fear not we'll find a way."

"I don't doubt it," replied Genevieve who had complete faith in both her teacher's but Professor Fig in particular.

"Your faith is appreciated," said Professor Fig with small smile. Genevieve shrugged.

"You've believed in me with far less evidence."

"I certainly wouldn't say that," replied Professor Fig shaking his head fondly. Genevieve decided against arguing.

"By the way I'm heading to Feldcroft again tomorrow."

"Oh good. I'm pleased Miss Sallow has something to keep her preoccupied," said Professor Fig with a smile. "Just be careful."

"I will. Ominis is joining me."

"Good. Then you can look after each other. I admit I do envy you. Professor Black has called me for a meeting tomorrow." Genevieve winced.

"My condolences." Professor Fig laughed.

"Well, I'll see you for tea on Sunday."

"That you will," she assured him. There was no way she'd let anything up to and including Ranrok mess with her tea appointment with her mentor. It was the most relaxing point in her week and remained a way for her to stabilize herself with some sense of consistency.


Ominis and Genevieve headed to Feldcroft the following day. Of course, using the floo flames. As they arrived Ominis scoffed.

"You know I have an excuse for skipping flying. You on the other hand..."

Glaring playfully, Genevieve sent a basic cast at the boy who impressively deflected it easily with a chuckle.

"Looking forward to seeing Anne?" asked Genevieve.

"Immensely. She and Sebastian are the siblings I always wanted."

"I find myself lucky to have been brought into your little fold," replied Genevieve as they approached the house. Anne had assured them Solomon would be gone for most of the day, much to Genevieve's relief, she didn't want to risk butting heads with the man.

They knocked on the door which after a moment was opened by Anne. Genevieve noticed her cheeks were more sunken in and resisted the urge to sigh with sadness. Instead, she smiled embracing the girl.

"Hello Anne!"

"Hello Genevieve," she pulled away and moved to her fellow Slytherin. "Hello Ominis." Genevieve watched as the pair hugged tightly. It was clear how much the Sallows meant to Ominis.

"Hello Annie."

"How are you two?" asked Anne beaming and despite her poor state her bright smile brought a liveliness one might not expect from someone in her condition.

"Quite well," replied Genevieve as they were pulled into the sitting room. "Your notes on my last Ancient Runes essay were a god send."

"Oh, it was nothing," said Anne with a shrug as she sat down gesturing for them to help themselves to tea. "Now I want to hear all the latest news." Ominis chuckled.

"Well, Black still has Quidditch banned meaning Kogowa and Imelda are currently on the war path, Sir Nicholas is sulking about being refused again by the headless hunt, Garreth charred the roof of the dungeons again, and Genevieve trounced Leander in Defense Against the Dark Arts, leading to quite the temper tantrum..."

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