Day four film two act three

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Screen one: Magic casting 101

Marevelou's magic casting 101 class is amusing but still dull like the class's she had in her past school for being bounced from home to home.

The girl next to Marevelou: those wizards always magic like math and the names Amia, Amia manadust.

Marevelou: Marevelou.

Amia: Love the name so we can talk more at lunch?

Marevelou: Ok see you their.

As the school day went on she started to notice that the school seem to have a very strict uniform with customization liberties with the girls simply being in Princess like dresses and the boys being in more techno like armor tells lunch bell rings.

Location: cafeteria

At lunch Marevelou after getting what she want to eat even if they do look very over the top and sit next to Amia.

Amia: So how your first day so far?

Marevelou: Well the one thing that bugs me is that we are on one side while the guy's are on the other.

Amia: That how then are none the less.

Then Marevelou see a vacant spot at the boys table.

Marevelou: Hate to switch seats but I have a plan.

Then without delay Marevelou seat at the boys table and well it caught most of the boys by surprise even the two that Marevelou is sitting next to on one side with one who seem to have his face in a mask on the other side.

Marevelou:What the matter never seen a girl at the boys table before?

Location: Headmaster office.

Marevelou: Me at the boy's table is not a big deal.

The Headmaster: It is here young lady!

Marevelou: Don't need to blow a gaskets, literally Headmaster...

The Headmaster: Cogsworth Pennywise Cogsworth young lady.

Marevelou: clockworkers are so wounded tight.

Cogsworth: Don't tempt me to put you in the box.

Marevelou: Luke in toy box.

Cogsworth: watch it young lady and the only place where both side can interact is at the out door magic combat gym and that all ms. Sparkles.

Then Marevelou left the Headmaster office before Cogsworth blow his gasket.

Location: The outdoor magic gymnasium

The next day Marevelou start magic combat training with those she made a commotion with yesterday as their instructor comes in to begin the class.

The Instructor: Good morning class now before we begin the upper classmen Curber Mafag have some words to say.

Marevelou: Curber Mafag?

Amia: successor to the throne of Heartean the Homeworld of Pow-tar who with his follow Defenders defended the system from the omnitaren Tara Federation who are still in Exile and the sinister Magkeletor a dark Contra of magic who wants the wisdom of the Palace of star rule for himself and let the oft plunder the other worlds resources for all he cares.

Marevelou: What happened to him?

Amia: Legend say he fell into a dark void in his final battle with Pow-tar many believed it to bring the master ship of the OTF which is still in their home world to this day.

Curber: Ok everyone with the Star throne try tournament with any month from now usually brings less competitors that normally as you five are to compete in the draft was on short notice.

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