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Sometimes I think that theres this evil force in the world. Like, one thats causing these two boys to be total cocks to someone whose done absolutely nothing to them in the ten years they've gone to school together.

Here I was, sat between two dumbasses while I watched Calum practice for his soccer match next week.
"Blondes are so dumb dude." Luke told Michael with a snort.
"Hey, fuckface, you're blond too." I told him, drawing my eyebrows together. Over here thinking he's smart with blonde jokes.
"But, you're like... way blonde." He picked up a strand of my hair. I swatted his hand away.
"Awe look at that. Trying to defend herself. Can't now that ya boys not here, huh?" Michael smirked. I rolled my eyes, looking forward to allow myself to watch Calum kick the ball to his team mates.
"You don't need him, Cameron. Let a real man show you what it's like to have fun." Luke smirked beside me, running his hand up my thigh.
"What the fuck?" I looked at his hand while throwing my elbow into his rubs. He let out a groan, covering them.
"Fucking bitch."
"You're doin' it wrong man, oh my god. You're so fucking retarded." Michael said while pinching the bridge of his nose.
"You shouldn't use retarded as an insult." I whispered.
"Shut up." He snapped.
"Can you guys just leave me alone. Why are you even here?" I looked at them.
"Cause, you're here." Michael smirked, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I shot him a nasty look while Calum sat in front of us, drenched in sweat. Hello, what the fuck? Who just.. gives this ungodly attractive boy permission to sit here looking like that. I think the girl three rows down from us just wet herself. Same.
"Hey babe." He said, watching Michael remove himself from me. Babe. What the fuck is this?
"Hi Cal." I smiled.
"Why are you two messing with her? Don't you have eachothers dicks to suck?"
"No, we're not gay." Michael glared.
"Maybe we are a little. We cuddle at night." Luke leaned behind me to look at him.
"Dude! What the fuck? Get out of here, lets go." Michael took Luke by the arm and dragged him from the bleachers.
"You okay?" He took Luke's spot next to me.
"Annoyed, but it's chill." I shrugged.
"Sorry they always mess with you.' He sighed. I gave him a shrug. "Wanna go get some food?" He asked, I nodded.

I waited in the car while he showered and changed. My music played through the speakers. Oceans by Coasts. My fingers tapped on my thighs to the beat. I was so in love with this song. There was this girl in year 10, Corrynn I think her name was, she passed me in the hall and told me to listen to that song. It was sex. I had my first orgasm to this song, no lie. That was the start of our friendship.

"Chinese and movies?" Calum asked, finally climbing into the drivers side with his fresh clothes and wet, curly hair. He looked like a wet puppy.
"Sounds good." I smiled.


"Are you excited for you match?" I asked, staring at him. He was so cute, my heart is melting as we speak.
"Hell yeah. We're gonna kick their asses."
"And if not, I'm here for angry sex afterwards." I smiled. Obviously, I was joking. But the darkened look in his eyes told me he was serious. Okay, okay, vagina calm down. I cleared my throat.
"So what movie are we gonna watch tonight?"
"I was thinking something scary."
"I'm totally picking this time, you're ass at picking good movies."
"What the fuck? I'm great at picking movies."
"Keep telling yourself that, Cal." I shook my head, standing up.
"I'm great at picking movies!" He called, he sounded so distraught.
I laughed, "You always choose those dumb cheerleader movies."
"You don't complain!"
"I'm complaining now. They're ass."
"You're ass."
I turned to look him. He had a satisfied look on his face with his arms crossed over his chest. Peep those biceps. I need a tall glass of water.
"You're ass." I scoffed.
"Maybe. But at least I pick better movies than Sky High."
"Take it back Sky High was amazing!" I exclaimed. He squatted down next to me while I sat in front of the movie case.
"Sky High sucks." He said, getting close to me face. I frowned before tackling him to the ground. He yelled, hitting the ground.
"Take it back!" I whined, pinning his arms down. He laughed under me, flipping us over and copying my actions so I was pinned. I like this position. A lot. He leaned down to my face, I could feel his warm breath on my cheeks. I bit my tongue, letting my eyes fall on his lips. They're so plump and nice, I want to feel them on mine.
"It sucks." He whispered, licking his lips slowly. Okay, first off, I need jesus because I want him to lick something other than his lips. Second, he flash this really fucking sexy smirk before he pressed his lips to mine.

Well, shit.


lmao idk what this is

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